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   Bannon Is A Time Bomb For Trump

Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon was arrested Thursday after being charged with defrauding hundreds of thousands of dollars through his “We Build The Wall” funding campaign.

The White House issued a statement saying that President Trump has not been involved with Steve Bannon since the past election campaign and since the early part of the administration and the president does not know the people involved with this project.

Bannon was arrested on a yacht owned by his friend, Guo Wengui, a Chinese billionaire, a controversial figure with his own history of legal entanglement.

This is very sad to say, but after Trump became president there have been many of his associates and close assistants who have gone to jail. Steve Bannon could be one of them. These people are using their influence and power to create their own wealth.

Corruption is everywhere. Like ex-president Chan who was put in jail after his presidency. The case made headlines in the western media. In South Korea many of their former presidents were also put in jail because of corruption.

We are living in such a critical time. The people in power do have the opportunity to use their position and turn to corrupt activities. Fortunately, we have an independent judicial system to watch for and deal with all these crooks.


2016 川普總統競選總幹事班農今午被聯邦員從他的遊艇帶走 他被指以興建美墨邊境高牆為名財二千五百萬元用於私人用途真是令人憤慨。

班農以極保守派之姿態, 早年為川普操盤,選上總統 一年之後又把他炒魷魚數月前在選情吃緊時再把班農搬師回府再操兵符, 意想不到出了大事 可能是為川普不振選情雪上加霜。

這名被右翼尊為國師之徒, 是極力主張向中國大陸出重手的人, 他過去是華尓街股票期貨操作手 自從川入主白宮之後 一時雞犬升天, 不可一世 但是就在兩年之內, 先後為川效力之忠臣有近十人已判刑服牢 這是何等之令人痛心疾首。

花花的銀子人人愛, 中外都一樣 早年陳水扁貪污案上了國外媒體之頭條如今這位川普政府的國師也不惶多讓, 二千五百萬向民間募款, 手法高明 所幸我們真的司法獨立, 當場逮捕 即便你有白宮靠山, 也無法逃過此 把這批吃裡扒外的敗類刷進歷史的垃圾堆中, 也是國家之幸也

(   图片来源:路透社)