Police Brutality Is A Sad Story
In Kenosha, Wisconsin, police officer Rusten Sheskey fired into the back of a Black man, Jacob Blake, on Sunday while he was trying to enter a vehicle as his three children watched from the backseat. Bystanders captured the shooting on a cellphone and shared the video on social media. Since then, there have been demonstrations and rioting on the city streets. In the nightly protests, a 17-year old boy shot two people to death and injured one. He claimed that he came to protect the people’s property.
Jacob Blake, who remained hospitalized after sustaining multiple injuries, is now handcuffed to his hospital bed his family said.
The shooting has spurred nightly protests and wildcat strikes across the sports world.
We are very angry how the police treated the people --- they are human beings. The State of Wisconsin’s use of the National Guard is not the solution. We think this is a fundamental social issue facing our nation.
We are very fortunate that Hurricane Laura did not hit the Houston area, but our neighbor, the state of Louisiana, was hit hard. This natural disaster just really adds to our agony with the pandemic.
As we know, in America one percent of the rich people control forty percent of the national wealth.
Most citizens are poor, especially when a lot of people have lost their jobs and need to depend on the government to come to their rescue. Sadly this situation will continue to create a lot of social unrest.
Today America is at a crossroad. We need to select a leader who really understands where the problems are, not just thinking that a few political slogans will solve all our problems.
警察暴力 國家不幸
威士康辛州非裔青年布里克日前在肯諾沙市被警察連開七槍, 正在醫院緊急治療 ,尤其是十七歲的白人青年公然在示威人群中以半自動步槍打死了兩名示威者, 川普總統決定派遣國民民兵前往镇壓。所有美國職業球隊都以罷賽抗議,全美各地更掀起另一個示威浪潮。
看到這些連續不斷的警察暴力行為真是令人髮指, 再次說明了我們面臨無法解決之社會問題,副總统在共和黨大會中嚴厲譴責暴力,而川普政府希望以政府武裝來鎭壓示威者,但是我們要問: 這是解決的方法嗎?
羅拉颱風剛剛横掃墨西哥灣地區,休斯敦雖然倖免, 但是隣近的查理湖市及週邊城镇,包括最大的賭場也被吹得滿目瘡痍, 慘不忍睹, 就連新冠疫情的病患也在逃亡之行列中。
今天我們所面臨之國家危機已經不是政客們三言二語的政治語言所面對之困境, 我們必須要選出真正能體查民間疾苦的領航者,多年來因社會機會之不公,贫富懸殊越來加大, 百分之一的美國富人掌控了全國百分之四十的財富,換言之,貧苦大眾還是多數生活在社會底層的平民百姓,如果無法解決最基本的生活需求, 還談什麼自由正義。