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2025 黃頁 封面

2025 黃頁 封面


  • 聯繫人:Nicole Chiu

  • 電話:281-498-4310

  • 郵箱:YP@scdaily.com

  • 地址:11122 Bellaire Blvd. Houston, TX 77072

  • 網址:https://scdaily.com/yellow_pages


我們堅持為社區服務 ---- 美南傳媒發行2021年休斯頓黃頁電話簿 今年二月初新冠疫情擴散以來,我們在全美各大城市的工作伙伴冒著病毒侵襲之危險,站在工作崗位之最前線,繼續為我們的讀者和觀眾服務。 美南傳媒為了走在時代之前端,多年來創建美南電視网,透過網路 、電視及電子報三位一體,加大對讀者們之高品質服務。 三十多年美南傳媒最主要的媒體之一就是華人黃頁電話簿,目前在休斯敦 、達拉斯 、芝加哥及華盛頓等各大城市編輯工作已經告一段落, 並將在年底前经由網路及黃頁電話簿全面推出。 美南新聞創刊以來始終是抱著和社區共同成長之理念,更要感恩大家之大力支持。 新冠疫情對我們社區之侵襲,目睹許多商家承受经濟上之打擊,許多朋友因無法支撑而倒閉,一生儲蓄付諸流水,確實使人同情和難過。 我們呼籲華人社區朋友們,値此病毒浩劫仍然猖狂之時, 我們一定要同舟共濟, 抱團取暖, 共同迎接美好的明天。 2021 Houston Chinese Yellow Pages Since February of this year, the Coronavirus has attacked our community. Our colleagues still stand on the front line to report, edit and publish our daily newspaper and television broadcasts. Many years ago, Southern News Group got into the digital media age and started with our digital newspaper and television programming. We incorporated our newspaper, TV and digital online news to better serve our readers and expanding audience. One of our most important products is our Chinese Yellow Pages in Houston, Dallas, Chicago and Washington DC. The Yellow Pages are a vital information source for the local communities we serve. We are very proud that our 2021 Chinese Yellow Pages will be published again at the end of the year. We want to take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation for your support. We all need to be united to overcome this pandemic crisis. We hope that better days are coming.