Hiring Immediately! 食品店铺急聘! 兼职切水果工
Hiring Immediately! 食品店铺急聘!
兼职切水果工 $14-$16 (美金)
意者请传简讯(英文)或电 : 832-875-1830
位Katy, TX 77494
工作时间: 周一周六, 8小时, 负责準备水果, 切削及摆妥,
职责及工作时数, 会依据业务需要,而有所调整.
Fruit Cutter in Grocery Store - $14-$16
I am looking for a part-time fruit cutter inside the grocery store. Please call or text : 832-875-1830
•Work Location : Katy,77494
•Work Hours : Monday -Saturday, 8hrs
•Job Description : Perform cutting,wrapping, and preparation of Fruits & display.
•Position functions & work hours may vary according to business needs.