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美国新冠疫情日记 10/06

美国新冠疫情日记 10/06

          President Trump Back To White House

President Trump left the hospital Monday evening and returned to the White House and posed mask-less for a photo after downplaying his illness.

Trump’s physician said he is not out of the woods yet. In a tweet, the president said, “Don’t be afraid of COVID. Don’t let it dominate your life.”

But the building he is returning to has become a center of viral contagion because of the lack of mitigation measures and disregard.

The President also announced that he will be back on the campaign trail soon.

White House physician Sean Conley said his team was cautiously optimistic about the President’s recovery.

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany also announced that she has tested positive for the coronavirus yesterday morning. Two of her deputies, Chad Gilmartin and Karoline Leavitt, have also tested positive for the coronavirus.

McEnany said she will begin the quarantine process immediately, meaning that she will isolated.

Most Americans say Trump acted irresponsibly and now distrust the White House regarding  his health.

For many Americans, Trump was a failed president with a terrible record on COVID -19 who is now also suffering from that disease.

Our election process has already begun as over two million people have already cast their votes and that number will increase substantially in coming days.

It’s true that we have 35-40 % of voters that are still very loyal to President Trump. For most of Americans this is a lifetime decision. They have to make up their minds who they will vote for to be the next president of the United States.


主治医师们表示 川普总统回到白宫后将继续进行治疗, 但是他回到的白宫显然成為疫情传播之地, 包括白宫新闻秘书麦依妮及其两名助理都已经被确诊為新冠疫情感染者。
多半国民都认為川普总统在应对疫情之战争中是打了败仗截至目前為止, 政府尚未拿出任何有效方法面对未来之挑战。
总统选举投票已经开始, 这可能是有史以来投票人数最多的一次, 有百分之三十五到四十的人还是川普之忠实粉丝对其他选民是一生中最大之选择 十一月三日将是一个非常重要的日子。

( 图片来源:路透社)