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美国新冠疫情日记 10/17

美国新冠疫情日记 10/17

    CDC Officers Criticize U.S. COVID-19 Response

More than one thousand current and former officers of an elite disease fighting program at the U.S. Centers For Disease Control And Prevention have signed an open letter expressing dismay at the nation’s public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The letter indicated that the CDC should be at the forefront of this global public health emergency. "Our concern is about the ominous politicization and silencing of the nation’s health protection agency.”

The 1,044 officers who signed the letter constitute more than 25% of current and former EIS officers dating back to 1951.

This letter really represents the medical professionals who do not agree on what the federal government is doing to protect the health of our citizens.

In the past several months we have watched President Trump in news conferences talk about the pandemic. In fact, we should have CDC officers come to frontline and not only the politicians.

We very much regret that it was too late for the many people who have now lost their lives. And yet, we still don’t have any effective method to control the virus.


曾任及现任共有一千多位国家疾管中心官员今天发表一封公开信,声讨政府对新冠病毒之控制无方造成巨大国民之丧生 信中谴责政治之干预疾管中心无法施展专业来抢救疫情


这封公开信是对白官官方作為表示不满 自从疫情发生以来 总统主导了白宫之疫情简报并和卫生官员们常常意见相左 造成政治掛帅不正常之情况

非常遗憾这项错误已经造成二十多万国民之丧生截至目前為止 政府尚无具体措施疫苗也未见上市防疫专家之指导也未见採纳 我们要问我们还是世界第一的强国吗

政府施政之错误 真是人民之大不幸也