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美国新冠疫情日记 11/20

美国新冠疫情日记  11/20

Taiwan Shuts Down TV News Station

The Taiwan government’s National Communication Commission rejected the application of a local CTiTV station’s license. The station will be forced to shut down next month.

The Chairman of NCC Chen Yaw-Shay Group said, “The CTi news was found to have repeatedly violated regulations, leading all seven members to decide not to renew the license.”

Chen also said that the station failed to control the outside interference during the operation of the news department.

In response, the station called this, “The darkest day for the freedom of press and speech since martial law was lifted over 30 years ago.”

In the last five years, the Taiwan government has been controlled by the pro-independent party. The Democratic progress party president Tsai Ing-Wen wanted to build a free and democratic nation. When Taiwan was under military control in the martial law period, the government was controlled the press. Today Taiwan became a democratic country, the government wanted to ban freedom of speech.

In America today, President Trump had so many complaints and disagreement that I don’t think he has been too close to a TV news station.

We want to urge the Taiwan government to reconsider their wrong decision. Even though you don’t like the station, doesn’t mean you have the right to close them down.

    这不是打压新闻自由 是什么



我们身处海外对此消息同感愤慨 这不是打压新闻自由又是什麼呢?! 今天台湾以民主自由之价值為傲, 当年在野民进党还以焚身来争取新闻自由及台湾独立如今当权后可以不顾人民的声音。

正在上演政争的美国, 川普总统对许多电视台恨之入骨, 美国政府可以关闭外国新闻机构但对本国的电视台,他能籍美国传讯委员会把它除之而快吗?

民主的真諦就是能容忍不同的声音我们非常遗憾, 中天新闻台无法有容於执政当局 遭到扼杀之命运, 也希望全世界的民主国家来评评理。