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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/05

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/05

我闻 我见 


加州湾区各大小城市今天开始加强新的禁令以防御迅猛的新冠疫情 主要城市将率先从週末实施居家令

旧金山卫生局长柯菲表示 我们医院的病床已经接近饱和状态

一项民意调查显示 一半以上的美国人承认他们的亲人或朋友感染新冠病毒或因而去世这充分証明此次疫情在各阶层之严重性

新冠疫苗之出现為疫情带来了曙光 但是许多国民还是抱着存疑的态度拉丁裔只有百分之三十四表示有信心為了增强大眾之信心 前总统奥巴马 小布希 及克利顿都愿意接受种植

总统当选人拜登稍早时宣称 在他上任之后会立即求全体国民戴口罩至少一百天他并将任命福其博士继续担任防疫工作的主角

在华府 民主和共和两党正在加紧草拟济刺激方案 希望下週一在眾院提出审查 以便早日通过来拯救许多中小企业及地方政府之财政困难

总之 在拜登进入白宫之前 总统在其不到两个月之任期之内 正不断颁佈不同之行政命令 也是令拜登非常忧心的难题

Bay Area Under Stay-At-Home Order

Ahead of a California statewide mandate, the San Francisco Bay Area government issued a stay-at-home order. The order applies to the Northern California counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin and Santa Clara. The combined cities and counties of San Francisco and the city of Berkeley cover more than 5.8 million people.

The Bay Area order will go into effect beginning Sunday and will remain in effect until January 4, 2021. Under the new order, retail businesses can remain open, but must operate at 20% capacity and will be required to write down and enforce plans to ensure patrons wear masks and that maximum capacity rules are followed. Restaurants must close outdoor operations and convert them into takeout and delivery only. Some businesses will be required to close, including bars, wineries, movie theaters and hair salons and nail cutting services.

In Washington, D.C., both parties are behind a $908 billion plan to help the devastated economy. It includes nearly $300 billion for small business, $180 billion for unemployed workers and $160 billion for state and local and tribal government. The plan won’t help everyone who needs aid.

President-elect Biden is already facing a lot of challenges before he even gets into the White House on January 20.