大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 01/ 04

我见 我闻 我思
《华盛顿邮报》週日下午揭露了川普总统的一段电话録音, 他要求共和党籍的乔治亚州国务卿䒹福斯彬格“找出”一万一千七百八十票,推翻总统大选中获胜的民主党总统候选人拜登, 在週六长达一小时的録音中, 他多次指责共和党同僚不支持他在乔治亚州胜利的大选结果, 他要州务卿為他在週二前“做票“来扭转整个大选之结果, 但是遭到国务卿的拒绝。
这个天大的消息週日震撼了全世界 ,曾经在尼克森总统水门案中被叛刑的约翰汀表示, 这比水门案严重太多了, 我们现任在白宫的总统公然要州国务卿违反宪法做票, 川普之行动已经构成立即被弹劾的条件。
参议院民主党少数党领袖舒默稍候发表声明 ,他要求德州参议员应该立即对川普非法之行為进行调查。
我们要非常遗憾的指出,美国总统大选已经严重造成国内外政治之大动盪, 由于川普对大选不愿承认败选, 发动五十次之法律诉讼, 但都被法院否定, 他要在元月六日大选选举人票公佈之前 以令人髪指之违法行為要共和党同僚公开做票 ,这难道不是共和党人之耻吗?
我们更要非常痛心的指出,政治权力令人腐化和恶心 ,那些不耻之徒, 对於每天因新冠病毒而失去生命的二至三千同胞 ,毫无同情之心, 权欲熏心, 真是我们民主史上黑暗的一页。
The Darkest Page In Our Democratic History
The Washington Post obtained a stunning one-hour phone call Saturday. It was reported that in the conversation President Trump pushed Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to find votes to overturn the election results after his loss to President-elect Joe Biden.
In the recorded conversation Trump lambasted his fellow Republican for refusing to say he was the one who won the election in Georgia. Trump said, “The people of Georgia are angry, the people in the country are angry and there’s nothing wrong with saying that you know that you’re recalculating.” But Raffensperger responded that, “Mr. President, the challenge that you have is that the data you have is wrong.” Trump later said, “So look, all I want to do is this: I just want you to find 11,780 votes which is one more than we have because we won the state. You should want to have an accurate election and you are a Republican.”
The post also reported that President Trump’s lawyer, Cleta Mitchell, and other Republican allies of the president were also on the call.
Sunday evening all ten living former U.S. Secretaries of Defense declared in a forceful letter that the U.S. presidential election is over, as President Trump continues to deny his election loss to Joe Biden. The letter stated that, “Our elections have occurred, recounts and audits have been conducted, appropriate challenges have been addressed by the court and the Electoral College has voted. The time for questioning the results has passed. The time for the formal counting of the Electoral College votes as prescribed in the Constitution and statute has arrived.”
We feel very sorry that there are still almost three thousand of our countrymen losing their lives every day because of the coronavirus pandemic. Is it that the politicians do not care, or they just don’t see it?
This is really unbelievable that the political fighting is still going on in Washington. All of us as ordinary people just want to have peace and prosperity for our nation.
These are the darkest days of our democratic history.