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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 01/10/2021

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 01/10/2021



今天我接到华裔交通部部长赵小兰致交通部同仁及社区领袖的一封公开信,对於週三在国会山庄川总统支持者犯下的创痛事件 让我无法释怀 并决定辞去部长职务

她对於过去数年大家之支持对国家所作之贡献表示感谢和骄傲 希望大家能继续努力為改善人民之生活而努力

赵部长服务公职多年 歷任劳工及交通部长 是华裔在美国职位最高之政务官 多年来 她对於华亚裔社区非常关心和照顾 每年春节期间 她都把交通部大厦公开给我们参观 除了她自己的办公室 还参观了航空控制中心 更非常亲切细心的為我们解答所有之问题

遗憾的是 她要离开了 我们相信华府政坛之纷纷扰扰 也誏赵部长真的受不了

美国眾议院今天再度发起对川总统之弹劾 虽然只剩下不到十天之久 大家对川在最后的行径还是感到十分不安 这位行指怪异的总统 公然教唆暴徒强佔国会 这种令人髪指之行為能够原谅吗

赵部长的辞职 不但会得到我们的鼓掌 相信以她的能力和為人必然会被国家再度重用

Elaine Chao Resigns

Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao sent a letter to her colleagues and community leaders today and stated that, “Yesterday our country experienced a traumatic and entirely avoidable event as supporters of the President stormed the U.S. Capitol Building following a rally he addressed. As I’m sure is the case with many of you, it deeply troubled me in a way that I simply cannot set aside.”

She said, “I am tremendously proud of the many accomplishments we were able to achieve together for our country and I will never forget the commitment you have for this Department and the United States of America. I am hopeful that many of you will carry forward our vision to improve the lives of Americans through this Department and beyond.”

“Today I am announcing my resignation as U.S. Secretary of Transportation, to take effect on Monday, January 11, 2021.”

We are very proud of Elaine Chao’s contributions to our country. She is the highest federal post holder of Asian descent in United States. Elaine is such a great leader who really cares about our community. Every year she has invited us to the Department of Transportation building to celebrate the Lunar New Year. Many of us not only toured her office, also visited the whole building.

We so much regret what is happening in Washington, D.C. and on Capitol Hill. This is a dark chapter in our nation. We all hope that one day Elaine will return to government service. We are very proud of you, Elaine.