大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 01/21/2021

普天同庆 再创辉煌
贺拜登 贺锦丽当选正副总统
在全球瞩目及重兵驻守的华盛顿国会大厦,新任总统及副总统正式宣誓就职来领导这个支零破碎的国家 ,他们在中午十一时分别手扶百年圣经宣誓,将忠於美国宪法為民服务。
拜登在就职演说中重申,我们的民主再度得到伸张, 他期盼大家团结起来,结束国家面临的困境, 他誓言打败那些白人至上、境内暴徒及政治极端份子。
总统就职大典, 除了川普及年迈无法出席的卡持总统外,其他前任总统都全部到齐,他们和共和党前总统共同庆贺美国新总统的诞生。
拜登在就职之后, 立即前往白宫办公室发佈多项行政命令, 其中包括美国立即重返国际卫生组织及气候变迁组织, 新冠疫情及移民条例。
今天我们做為华裔美人, 也是这个伟大国家的一份子, 多少年来, 我们远离故乡来追寻美国梦, 我们对美国有多一份不可逃避的责任, 我们已经把这块土地做為我们安身立命的家 ,这个国家的前途和我们息息相关。
在拜登总统施政愿景中, 他对於那些包括亚华裔在内的弱势群体将会大力拉拔和帮助,也会将滞留在美国九年以上的非法居民给予居留权, 这是何等之大事。
我们大家应该共同来支持新政府之施政,也殷盼美国再度对国外包括中国大陆在内的留学生及各项交流, 请美国再度打开大门,為全世界人民共谋福利和发展, 也是我们共同来书写美国歷史的新页。
The Inauguration Of Joe Biden And Kamala Harris
We Should Write An American Story
President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris were sworn in at the U.S. Capitol. Harris has made history as the first Black Asian and female Vice President.
In his inauguration speech, the new president pledged to unite a fractured nation. He said, "Today on this January day, my whole soul is in this: bringing the American people together and uniting our nation, and I ask every American to join me in this cause."
Hours after he was inaugurated as the 46th president, Joe Biden signed 17 executive orders to begin overhauling the nation's approach to the pandemic and to undo some of the controversial policies of former President Trump. Biden also reversed many of Trump's attempts to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord and the World Health Organization where Dr. Anthony Fauci will lead a U.S. delegation to return to the world’s leading health organization and join in their meetings.
Today we as the Asian American community will give full support to the new Biden administration including new immigration initiatives that will allow many people to legalize their status and help those people who need it the most.
On the coronavirus pandemic, Biden wants one million people to get the vaccine shot each day for 100 days so that 100 million people will eventually be vaccinated.
We also hope that President Biden will change our foreign policy and repair the soured U.S. relationships around the world.
When all of us came to this land, our goal was to find a better life. We love this country. This is our home. We settled down. Our families are here and we need to contribute our best efforts and do our part to unite together for our future.
Today we have a new leader in our country. We are teaming up to write a new chapter of American history.