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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 01/25/2021

大侠行天下日记  我见我闻我思 01/25/2021


上週四我正式参加休斯敦美国联合国协会分会,担任理事会常任理事一职, 深切感到责任重大。

这个民间组织係由艾森豪总统夫人所创办, 其主旨在於譲美国人民瞭解联合国在国际关係中之重要性, 加强美国民间团体对联合国之支持, 并弘扬联合国支持之社会正义及世界和平。

正当拜登总统上任之后,正在加速美国重返国际组织, 尤其是联合国主导下的国际卫生组织 事关全球是否可能战胜新冠疫情之关键时刻。

本年第一理事会视讯会议由会长司徒克主持, 他首先欢迎新旧任理事对联合国协会之热心付出, 他强调当全世界都在面临新冠病毒之严峻挑战 我们也是责无旁贷,要尽力帮助在苦痛中挣扎的人群。

理事会上大家踊跃发言,并就有关今年之计划事项进行分工, 其中包括每年庆祝的联合国纪念日、妇女节、 人权纪念日、 青少年国际营和外交官对话、 世界难民日等不同之活动项目。

近年来 因為川普政府高唱美国笫一,在世界各地制造分歧, 也纷纷退出各种组织 尤其对联合国影响非常严重。

我非常欣幸今天能参加这个美国民间组织 大家共同為联合国世界大同之理想尽一份簿力。

联合国协会休城分会已经有五十年以上之歷史, 多年来不断致力於推广联合国对全世界之重要性 每年都透过会议讲座音乐会餐会, 邀请中外政界人士共同交流。

我们正处於世纪危机时刻 世界需要和平, 更需要我们大家贡献自己的力量, 因為世界是属於我们的。

The Foundation Of World Peace - UNA-USA Houston

It was my great honor to join the United Nations Association Houston Chapter as a new board member. Our President Daniel Stoecker hosted the first board meeting last week to set the projects for this year.

The mission of UNA-Houston is to educate people about the United Nations’ role in international affairs, how it impacts individuals and communities and to strengthen those whose purpose it is to promote social justice, the foundation for universal peace.

On the agenda we discussed the different committees’ functions and assignments including membership, dialog with the Diplomat/Cultural Dinner virtual event, the International Women’s Day Celebration, Human Rights Day, UN Day, global education classes and young adult engagement. All of these programs really have received positive attention from the local community.

Today our nation is facing serious challenges like never before. President Biden’s new administration is trying to get back into the international community including the United Nations to regain the leadership role on the world stage. We as citizens all need to be a part of this important mission.

In this internet age the world has come closer, but this pandemic has really damaged our world economy and many lives have been lost. We need to rebuild the new world structure, including the United Nations. We feel that this local civic organization will really get in touch with the grass roots. We really need to work together to save our world.