大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 02/09/2021

我见 我闻 我思
参议院今天开始进行审查前总统川普弹劾案,主要是指控他在元月六日当天鼓动暴民攻佔国会大厦,一般意料,参院将无法得到六十位参议员之支持, 但是这项美国史上第二次遭到弹劾的总统, 将面临一系列之指控。
参院民主党要求川普亲自出席审判大会,但此举被律师团队拒绝, 一般意料,参院一定会邀请关键性证人出席作証,一定要把元月六日攻佔国会大厦的真正兇嫌查明清楚。
对於川普弹劾案通过之机率十分微小,主要是民主党得争取十七张共和党人士之支持, 目前几乎是不可能的任务。
元月六日暴徒攻击国会大厦事件,可以说是美国民主政治留下不可磨灭的汚点, 前总统川普当天上午发表的煽动言论,是暴徒们冲进大厦的原动力。
Second Senate Impeachment Trial Starts Today
The second impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump started today in the U.S. Senate. The ultimate outcome of the trial is not in doubt: Trump will be acquitted because it falls short of the 67 votes needed in senate.
House Democrats sought testimony from Trump himself at the trial, a move that was rejected by Trump’s legal team.
In Washington, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said former the president’s followers’ insurrection attempt on the Capitol has hurt the United States’ ability to speak up for democracy and human rights.
Trump believes he will be acquitted at his trial based on the fact that there won’t be enough Republican senators to vote to convict the ex-president.
Former President Trump’s legal team accused the Democrats of impeaching Trump for political theater and they argued that the trial is unconstitutional because Trump is no longer the president.
We hope that the trial will reveal more of the story about the January 6th insurrection so that the truth will be told to the people.
During the last two weeks before he left office, Trump was fixated on punishing the GOP congressmen who voted to impeach him in the House.
We really worry that Trump’s actions will still do damage to the political environment. As one former White House official said, “Trump was enjoying the spectacle created by the riot at the Capitol on Jan 6th. He was loving watching the Capitol mob.”
Today the nation is still facing challenges on many fronts. The $1.9 trillion stimulus bill is still in the Senate. We all hope this bill will pass as soon as possible in order to help the many suffering people.