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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 03/06

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 03/06

我见 我闻 我思


自从上届总统川普攻击新冠疫情是中国病毒开始 ,全美各地不断上演反华亚裔之暴力事件, 反华情绪也演变為反亚裔之歧视事件, 我们要非常痛心之指出 ,这是美国有史以来华裔处境最艰难的时期。

总部设在纽约的百人会,今天发表慎重声明,呼吁拜登总统及全国选出的议员代表、州长、 市长 ,正视对华亚裔歧视事件, 更希望全国华亚裔社区团体起来, 加强报案 打击犯罪极端份子。

百人会将立即採取七项措施, 请求州长 、市长及国会议员立即公开谴责反亚裔种族歧视,希望司法部立即成立特勤小组对歧视案件尽快调查处理, 呼吁司法部修正对华裔科研人员稿得到公正客观之对待, 同时要求政府给予被害人有合理之司法救济,并把某些歧视亚裔的政府官员革职。

我们全力并支持百人会之努力,但是这些呼吁和行动必须得到我们社区之响应和支持, 非常遗憾 ,值此疫情期间 ,休斯敦华裔社区近日发生了丈夫枪伤太太自己自尽之惨剧 ,许多家庭面临了疫情及精神上之压力 ,我们呼吁大家要以人溺己溺之善心 ,多关心妳们的朋友和隣居。

We Need Help In The Asian Community

The Committee of 100 issued a statement outlining a Seven-Point Plan to combat increasing violence targeting Asian Americans.

The statement read, “We at the Committee of 100 are extremely saddened to witness the increase in attacks against many Chinese Americans and the Asian American community overall. Reports of discrimination, racism and violence towards people of Chinese and Asian decent have significantly increased in recent years These acts of hate have no place in America.”

The Committee of 100 is calling on all elected officials, including the Governor, mayors and members of Congress to forcefully denounced all acts of anti-Asian racism and bigotry, to call on all law enforcement to adopt a zone-tolerance stance toward acts of bigotry, racism and hate inflicted on Asian Americans. The committee also called on the Department of Justice to revamp the Department of Justice's (DOJ's) China initiative which has involved the radial profiling of Chinese scientists and researchers.

We are really glad and support the Committee of 100 to take this decisive action to help our people. It is very sad during this pandemic that many of our brothers and sisters were suffering including one of Chinese resident who openly shot his wife and committed suicide.

We urge everyone to extend your helping hand. We all need to be united together during this difficult time.