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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 03/08

大侠行天下日记  我见我闻我思 03/08

我见 我闻 我思


経过近二十个小时之冗长辩论之后,参议院週六通过了拜登总统提出的一点九万亿元之紓困案, 这也象徵新政府的重大胜利。

这项法案将於週二送到眾议院, 一般相信会尽快通过, 拜登总统会在本週内签署 这项被称為拯救美国人计划之法案 ,将立即发放年收入在七万五千元以下的公民每人一千四百元,夫妻不超过十五万者可领取二千八百元,这也是联邦政府第三次发送现金支票。

在这个龎大的紓困通过后, 拜登总统告诉国人,就如我们就任四十五天所承诺的来拯救国人,今天我们实现了这个承诺,我要忠心地感谢参议院之批准,当我们看见超过五十万国人失去宝贵生命,许多家庭在餐桌上再也看不见他们的亲人时,我们是心如刀割之痛。


Help Is Really On The Way Again

On Saturday the Senate passed President Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill. The bill now needs to be sent back to Congress and is scheduled for a vote tomorrow to approve the changes made in the Senate. That vote is expected to succeed on a party line with a Democratic majority.

There are more than 600 pages in the relief bill. After being signed by the president, people could start seeing the $1,400 stimulus payments hit their bank account within days after he signs the bill.

This time individuals earning less than $75,000 and couples earning less than 150,000 would receive the full $1,400 plus an additional $1,400 per dependent. This bill does not just provide direct payments to Americans, it also extends jobless benefits and provides a huge financial infusion to states and local governments as well as to schools to help them reopen. It also provides funding for priorities like coronavirus testing and vaccine distribution.

The president told the nation that, “Help is on the way.” That is very true. We are the only country in the world that can really create this huge stimulus package to help our own people.

Time is very critical. We really need to overcome all these tragic times and look for better days ahead.