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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 03/27

大侠行天下日记  我见我闻我思 03/27



在每一个人的人生经歷中,都有自己在生活中可以留下的记忆, 它可能是家庭亲友相聚的珍贵照片、生日派对、婚丧喜庆、自己保留下来的珍贵日记、家庭的族谱 创业和奋斗的経歷,当你走在你人生的高峰或底谷,太多可以为你一生留下记录,為你今后之子孙后代及世人永远閲读和欣赏。


多少年来,我们奔驰在新闻传播事业之大道上,全国各地之同仁们每天向社会大眾传递数十万字的讯息,从电视、报纸 、YouTube、 TikTok 、抖音、 脸书和读者及观眾,今天我们决定把这些可贵之资讯全部数位化,透过大数据存库永久保留,成為中华文化之一部份。

今天,美南新闻集团出版社正式成立,我们决定和大家一起将各位之作品 收藏及人生记录完整和永远地存放在亚马逊之数据库中,并将你的书推销到世界上每一角落。


To Create A Chronicle Of World Culture

Southern News Group Teams Up With Amazon In Publishing Project

Everybody in their lifetime all has memorable events that include your family activities, your memories, your family photos and your family’s roots. Through all your life there are up and down stories. This is a very important record for your family’s next generation to remember and to be reviewed by family members and friends.

Today, Southern News Group has teamed up with Amazon to create a personalized historical chronicle about your family in either Chinese, English or Spanish and we will help you publish a book about your family’s history to be handed down to future generations to tell your story.

In the last several years we as a news media company have recorded hundreds of thousands of daily news stories through our new media TV and daily newspaper. This is a record of our community we want to archive all into a permanent database to become part of history.

We are here to announce that we are working for all of you to publish a book about the story of your lifetime and we will team up with you to create a chronicle of world culture together.