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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 04/05

大侠行天下日记  我见我闻我思 04/05





老实说,我们这一代新移民多半成长在政治动盪不安的时代,為了本身之生存和下一代之前程, 大家来到这裡寻求美国梦,多少人经过苦读及创业之艰辛努力,多半的移民在经济及社会上已取得相当之成就,但是我们要捫心自问,我们对自己的社会做了多少贡献?我们参加过或捐献了多少给予社会团体,这些都显示我们自扫门前雪的心态。

许多人面对目前复杂不安的社会环境,有不如归去的念头,但是,我们不能一走了之,这块土地,有着太多的辛劳和牵掛,我们絶不可气馁,一定要大家手牵手,来保护我们的社区和国家 ,绝不可因暂时之挫折而丧失信心,让我们共勉吧!

Let’s Unite The Asian Community

After the so called “China virus” statements by President Trump last year, the whole nation was covered with many incidents including the Black Lives Matter attacks, the Atlanta murders of seven Asian people and more than five thousand hate crimes against Asian Americans. The whole country, especially in the Asian community were full of fear and insecurity.

Last week we joined Congressman Al Green and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s anti-hate crime news conference. I felt so sad and outraged because we felt like now we were second class citizens.

Many of us came to this land because of political reasons or we were looking for a better future for the next generation. Through hard work and higher education we became middle class, but we have to admit that a lot of our people didn’t make a significant contribution to our community and we didn’t participate in many local activities. In other words, we still did not assimilate into the society.

Many immigrants wanted to go back to their old country. I really agree with what they wanted to do, but this is our nation and we all belong here. We need to overcome all the difficulties and be united to build a new confidence and to build a great country together.