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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 05/03

大侠行天下日记  我见我闻我思 05/03

我见 我闻 我思


2020 年新冠病毒在美国肆虐是二次大战以来对国家最重大之灾难,五十多万国民丧失宝贵生命, 经济损失更是难予估计, 拜登总统在国家最危及之时刻,临危受命,拯救国家。


新冠大流行再度显示了美国社会深处之弱点,多少失业人口要依赖政府之立即救济,国会直接向家庭发放支票, 帮助他们保住了自己的家,让他们不致流落街头。



The Time Of Big Government Is Coming

President Biden’s total six trillion dollar budget might have seemed unthinkable following the last recession. The pandemic has reminded most Americans to think that big government can deliver money or help and speed efforts to end the crisis faster.

The government is promising that in years to come it will improve our daily lives with smoother roads, cheaper child care, free schooling, cleaner energy, paid leave for workers and faster internet service. The president wants to pay for improvements by raising taxes on high earners and corporations.

The pandemic crisis has showed the long-standing inequalities and fragility of our economy.

In the last several months we have really seen how the government has helped people including vaccine deployment, money for rent, food, and healthcare. This is making all the difference in the world. When we look back at history we can see that the wealth of this country has been controlled by only a few people, or about one percent of the richest people in the country. They should pay more taxes as well as the big corporations.

For America’s future in this competitive world, we really have no way out other than to accept big government.

We are so glad that with more Americans now vaccinated and the economy being reopened, we feel that a very optimistic recovery is on the way.