大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 05/29

今天上午在休斯敦国际贸易中心,疫情过后首次迎来了几内亚驻美大使杨森及数十位各界好友, 共同参与了几内亚投资座谈会。
我在会上热烈欢迎许多一年多未见的好友们,大家有久别重逢之感,在座的有教育、科技 、医疗、 媒体界的友人们,他们在会上都发表之独见的谈话, 希望能為几内亚之招商引资进份力量。
杨森大使在会上非常精彩地介绍了这个西非国家,它虽然国家正在努力发展,有许多项目极待大家前往投资,其中包括基建、 教育、 医疗、 观光、 国民住宅和电力发电等。
Investing In Guinea
We are so glad many of our friends got together at the International Trade Center to join Ambassador Yansane to talk about investing in Guinea.
In my welcome speech I warmly welcomed all of those who could come to ITC the reunion after the pandemic.
Today we discussed many topics including education, telecommunication, agriculture, tourism, healthcare, infrastructure and media.
The Ambassador gave us a very detailed introduction about this West African country. He is representing their government to invite all of us to visit Guinea in the near future.
As Honorary Consul for Guinea in Houston, our goal is to establish a solid bridge between Houston and Guinea and to bring more investors and people to Africa.
At today’s forum we listened to many businessmen and scholars who expressed their opinions and their willingness to help this western African country.