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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 06/02

大侠行天下日记  我见我闻我思 06/02

我见 我思 我闻


鸿海创办人郭台铭已经向台湾民进党政府提出申请 準备购买一千万个辉瑞疫苗来拯救疫情渐逐严重的国民,他是透过上海復兴药厂和民进党人士进行这项救灾行动,其他包括佛光山、新竹科学园区都加入了这项抢救疫情之大行动。





非常遗憾,近日来新冠疫情在台湾扩散以来,我们仍然看见许多媒体,还不断散播不实讯息, 不顾人民之生死存亡,应该立即取消不必要之法令规章,救灾救命為优先。


“Taiwan Can Help” Becomes “Taiwan Needs Help”

With the recent COVID-19 outbreak causing hundreds of local transmissions per day, the founder of Foxconn, Terry Kuo, wanted to buy 10 million doses of Pfizer vaccine to distribute in Taiwan. Kuo and his Yonglin foundation want to split the cost with Foxconn Technology.

According to the report, Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Chairman Guo Guangchang also has been involved in the negotiations. The Taiwan government said that all requests for vaccine from overseas would have to pass through the central government. Some of the local governments run by the KMT have expressed a willingness to buy vaccine from China.

The COVID-19 pandemic is getting serious in Taiwan. Some specialists have called for a full lockdown in Taiwan because the medical system in Taipei and New Taipei is overloaded with the COVID cases.

Taiwan’s Central Epidemic Command Center announced that they have signed an agreement to purchase 10 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines from two local firms. So far only 1.5 % of the population has been vaccinated.

The head of Sun Yat-sen Professor Chang Ya-Chung also announced that they intend to donate ten million vaccine doses to Taiwan. Five million would be BioNtech vaccines and another five million would be Chinese-manufactured Sinopharm vaccines.

This is a very critical time for the Taiwan people’s survival. The current government is still using political reasons to try and block the vaccine from being imported which is unbelievable

“Taiwan can help” now has become, “Taiwan Needs Help."