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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 06/11

大侠行天下日记  我见我闻我思 06/11

我见 我思 我闻



拜登表示, 我们有最切身疫情之苦,有六十万同胞失去生命,我们体验过这些苦难,但我们也知道如何去復原,美国工人正在生產疫苖去救济在非洲、亚洲、拉丁美洲、加勒比海地区的人民,他们不认识这些人,也从未造访该地区。

目前在世界各地已有了许多来自俄罗斯及中国之疫苗,在世界许多国家施打,拜登之这项举措 将是对抗大国在於疫情援助之竞赛。


Vaccines Are On The Way

President Biden announced that the U.S. government will donate 500 million vaccine doses globally in the near future. Biden said, “America knows first-hand the tragedy of this pandemic. We’ve had more people die in the United States than anywhere in the world, nearly 600,000 of our fellow Americans. We know the tragedy and we also know the path to recovery.”

Today American workers will now produce vaccines that will save lives in Africa,  Asia and Latin America for people they have never visited.

The White House has already secured half a billion doses and will try to deliver it to all the world. The president said that there were no strings attached for accepting the U.S.-produced vaccines.

We are so proud that the president has made such a move to help the people of the world. In the last sixteen months many areas of the globe have been suffering so much, and without vaccines they are all helpless.

We really want so much to urge the rich countries to extend their hands to help the third world countries.

Unless they have vaccines, all the countries will be still in chaos.