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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 07/19

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 07/19

我见 我思我闻


随着全美各地之疫情持续改善 已经闷得发慌的民眾开始了他们重返正常生活的步伐德州在这次经济復甦之大境中吸引了无数各地居民每日以一万一千人搬到德州之速度许多人在德州一房难求 房价飞涨 是德州历史上之罕见


老四川这个已经擦亮了的老字号从芝加哥中国城出发 已经创造了华人餐厅的惊人成就 胡老闆的步伐已经走出依里诺州走进密尼苏打州 康乃狄克州如今再踏上了经济蓬勃的美南德州

我在参加开幕剪綵活动中向胡董表示热烈的祝贺和欢迎他的企业不但增加了我们的就业机会 更表现了我们华人在艰难之境中仍然冲破万难 继续创业 是美国少数族裔对美国经济贡献的佐証

记得当年我们上一代的留学生赵寧博士所写的留美生活记讲述多少年留学生在餐厅打工的故事 时至今日我们都是过来人


当疫情逐渐好转之时老四川加入了德州华人餐饮企业之行列 我们伸出双臂欢迎胡董事长 并祝愿他在德州再创事业高峰

Tony Hu’s Sze Chaun Cuisine  Comes To Texas

The very first Lao Sze Chaun restaurant opened in 1998 in Chicago’s Chinatown. The owner and chef Tony Hu strongly prides himself on providing transitional Sichuan cuisine with high quality ingredients. In 1999, his restaurant was recognized by The Chicago Tribune as “one of the best” recovering, and therefore, a rating that was considered a prominent accomplishment for Chinese restaurants.

Today, Tony Hu has opened his first restaurant in Katy, Texas. Many Chinese community leaders were in attendance and joined him at his grand opening and warmly welcomed him to Texas.

Over the last several centuries, Chinese cuisine was brought to the world by many Chinese immigrants. Of course, in North America the Chinese restaurants do not only provide delicious food, but the dining experience also represents Chinese culture.

Before I came to America, I had been reading restaurant stories written by Dr. Ling Chao. His book mentioned the interesting stories of how young students worked in the restaurants. After many of us came to America, many of us had similar experiences.

Today we have 11,000 people moving to Texas every day. Never before has the economy boomed liked it is going today. Housing is in high demand and many new businesses are moving to Texas.

We all welcome Tony and his first restaurant in Katy. He said many more will come.

We are so proud of him. His is the immigrant success story representing many of us who came over here to work very hard and make big contributions to our country.

Texas is the land of opportunity and many Asian-Americans chose it as their new home. We appreciate the opportunity in this country and we love our nation.