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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 08/07

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 08/07

我见 我思 我闻


医疗专家大声疾呼那些不愿接种疫苗者是最大的感染群已经接种的人群即便感染上也不致太过严重专家们指出全国已经有一亿六千四百万人接种了两次疫苗其中当然会有些还会染上 但他们不会死亡

三角洲变种病毒目前正在横扫全球各地尤其是那些接种率低的地区 卫生官员们警告如果不採取行动疫情将会持续扩散

截至今天為止 美国全国已经有一半以上人口种植疫苗 专家们说 疫苖是唯一能防止病毒的最佳方法

许多不相信科技的人群目前还是大有人在 在休斯敦我们认识的一位黑人教会长老及一对犹他裔老夫妇 他们就是不愿注射疫苗 最近都已经染上病毒 真是悔不当初

依据医疗专家们的推论 如何没有疫苗之发现 每日将会有成千上万的人被感染 死亡人数更会大幅上升 后果真不堪设想

今天的世界还是那麼混乱和不幸 但是地面上不断上演政争和不安 如果疫情再持续 真不知道如何应对更严重的未来

Unvaccinated People Are The Highway Of Transmission

A top health official said that, “Tens of thousands of vaccinated people may catch COVID-19, but the majority will not become severely ill. 164 million people now are vaccinated (in the U.S.). We should expect tens of thousands to be infected again.”

As the Delta variant of the Coronavirus rips through the U.S., it is especially devastating in the regions with low vaccination rates. Government officials urge people to get their shots before a dire situation gets even worse.

As of Friday, 50% of all Americans had been fully vaccinated. Full vaccination is necessary for optimal protection against COVID-19, especially from the highly contagious Delta variant.

Today we have had an average of 700,000 vaccine doses that have been administered each day over the past seven days.

In many major U.S. cities and states a lot of schools will open soon. We are really worried how the young kids will handle the pandemic in the classroom.

Many people even until now don’t believe in the science of the vaccine. They still refuse to be vaccinated. We urge them to reconsider for themselves, their friends, their families and the whole community.