大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 08/12

在参议院以六十七票赞成基建法案之后,华府政治观察家们认為明年的中期选举,民主党有望增加十个参议员席次 ,主要是选民们相信民主党主导的基建案可以大力推动经济建设, 增加就业机会。
今天在华府对於因性骚丑闻而下台的纽约州长柯蒙之新闻, 仍然餘波荡漾 ,柯蒙去年在疫情肆虐时之表现, 可能让他成為民主党总统候选人 ,但是这埸性侵事件把他跌到谷底 ,十一名受害人紧叮咬不放, 还会吃上民事官司 ,当前在政坛上有希望竞争大位的可能是民主党籍之加州州长纽森和共和党籍的德州州长艾伯特。
华府对於中俄两军在寧夏举行之军事演习表示高度重视 ,这次演习是疫情过后在大陆境内之首次, 并邀请了俄罗斯参加 ,这表明两国之间之信任达到前所未有之高度。
我们打开世界地图, 我们正目睹世界三大军事强国正在展现肌肉 ,而病毒还不断蔓延 ,许多国家遭受困苦而无法自拔 实属不幸也。
围绕在华府特区的环市公路, 仍然是车水马龙 ,非常拥挤, 这𥚃的汽车有各种不同牌照 ,在耀眼的阳光下, 显得五光十色, 太阳明天仍然会升起, 大家都再等待明天会更好。
From The Nation’s Capital
Looking For A Better Tomorrow
The passage of the infrastructure bill in the U.S. Senate on Tuesday gives both parties ammunition in the midterm election. From the Democrats’ side, they are on the offense in six of the 10 top races trying to flip the red to the blue. The reason is that the bill is a shining example that shows how the Democrats can deliver for the American people, while some Republicans attack it for spending too much money.
People in the nation’s capital still are talking about the resignation of New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo who resigned yesterday. Now the state’s Lieutenant Governor Katy Hochul, will become governor and inherit a political landscape that Cuomo dominated for more than a decade. In a statement, Cuomo said that given the circumstances, the best way I can help now is if I step aside and let the government get back to governing.
On the other side of the world, Russia and China are holding a large-scale joint military exercise in north central China involving more than 10,000 troops. This is the first time Russian soldiers will use Chinese weapons in a military exercise. When we watch the world map, there are so many military exercises being held around the globe. With the pandemic still attacking the world, many nations still don’t have enough vaccine and yet they are facing other turmoil.
Around the nation’s capital, we are still having huge traffic jams. People are still busy on the streets trying to make a political deal. We really don’t know if we will have peace tomorrow.