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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 08/16

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 08/16

我见 我闻 我思


当阿富汗总统加尼出逃之后, 塔利班军队正式接管了总统府 ,这是二十年后他们度执政也宣佈阿富汗政府的全面瓦解

加尼在逃亡之前发文表示今天我面临艰难之选择 如果我继续留下将会造成首都之灾难 因此他选择了塔利班不费一兵卒 接收了总统府在此同时他们也接收了弃械投降的许多警察局及美军军营

拜登政府同时增兵一千名以紧急撒除大使馆及有关人员 经过了二十年之苦战及牺牲数千子弟及三万亿之军费 今天可以说是全功尽弃

拜登总统将会向全国发表电视演说 对於阿富汗之失手说明美国的立场

喀布尔之失手 有人比喻為一九七五年美军在西贡最后撒离之窘境 国务卿布林肯虽然极力為政政辩护 但是塔利班之速佔领全国是当初未能预料之事

阿富汗之失手 目前会造成了全球地缘政治之巨大改变 包括中  美国及週边国家势必再度调整各国之战方针 尤其是二十年前纽约九一一恐怖事件是否会再重演

我们呼吁世界各国领袖必须再度思考世界之未来要如何去面对 疫情蔓延尚无法管控 海地地震又死伤无数 是天灾也是人祸

The Taliban Takes Over Afghanistan

As the country’s president fled the country, the Taliban effectively sealed their control of Afghanistan pouring into the capital city of Kabul while meeting little resistance as chaos and fear gripped the city with tens of thousands of people trying to escape. After twenty years and spending of billions dollars, the United States built up the government and its defense forces in an effort that now seems to have been futile.

U.S. forces were evacuating all staff from the U.S. Embassy after President Biden deployed 5,000 troops to the country following a lightning fast Taliban offensive across the country that brought an embarrassing end to the U.S. military presence after two decades.

In a statement the fleeing president said, “If I stayed, countless countrymen would have been martyred and Kabul City would also have faced destruction.”

In Washington, D.C., Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said the exit, including the frantic evacuation of Americans and vulnerable Afghans from Kabul, is a shameful failure of American leadership.

President Biden now faces sharp criticism from Republicans in Congress. He will address the nation in the near future.

Afghan President Ghani fled the country saying he feared bloodshed and had hoped the rest of the military would come to prevent the Taliban takeover.

There is plenty of blame to go around on the collapse of Afghanistan, while President Biden has followed through on his promise to swiftly end America’s longest war.

We are very worried that the new government of the Taliban will encourage a breeding ground for terror. This is a worldwide issue.