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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 08/20

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 08/20


根据二〇二〇年人口查报告中过去十年以来 西裔和亚裔人口激增 白人人口首次下降 这显示美国的多元化正不断在提高之中 其中增加的二千三百万人人口多半是非白人 白人人口之下降多半是因為老龄化和出生率下降

目前美国人口最多的城市分别是纽约 洛杉磯 芝加哥 休斯敦及凤凰城 而且是人口增加最快的城市增长了百分之十一点二

这项调查同时显示人口继续从东部的纽约伊利诺州移向阳光地带的佛罗里达 德克萨斯州 也影响了政治版图之改变

新的数字顕示 亚裔人口的增加速度超过预期高达百分之三十六 而黑人增加率是百分之六

截止二〇二O 美国人口结构白人仍佔百分之五十七奌八 拉丁裔佔百分之十八点七 黑人是百分之十四点一 亚裔是百分之五点九 总人口是三亿三千一百四十四万九千二百八十一人

二十年来 美国人口正在不断改变中 预计下一个十年白人显然会变為少数 而有色人种会成為多数

新移民已经成為将来人口增长之主力 这也充分証明大多数人还是希望来到美国 不论局势如何变化 世界政治版图也不断改变 我们大家还是要团结一致共同追求更美好的明天

Our Population Pattern Is Changing

According to the Census Bureau, over the past decade the U.S. population growth increased by about 23 million people and was made up almost entirely of Hispanic, Asian and Black.

The white population declined for the first time, a drop that was driven in part by aging and a sharp drop in the birthrate.

The top five cities by population in the U.S. are New York. Los Angeles. Chicago, Houston, Phoenix and Philadelphia. The census also showed that the population continued to shift away from the old industrial belt from New York to sunbelt states like Florida and Texas. This shift also changed the political map.

New data also showed that Hispanics accounted for about half of the country’s growth over the past decade. The Asian population grew about 36 percent, or nearly one-fifth of the country’s total.

As the nation has been growing more diverse over the past decade, we can also see more newcomers arriving in America. This is a good sign for our economy.

Today, the Asian American population is at about six percent, but our contribution to the economy is much greater than that. When you look at the different cities in America, many small businesses are run by Asians and many professionals are Asian.

America is changing these days. Many of us came to this land and we were looking for a better life. We now need to be united and work together. The world is in chaos. It is very sad that so many people are suffering in the pandemic or because of the unrest and unstable situations in many countries. 

We strongly urge the leaders of the world to set aside their differences and seek peace and prosperity for all.