大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 08/23

週末应友人之邀,来到德州南端的石港市,并走访了全美最老的千年橡树,这𥚃的景色和海岸代表了美国人富有的群体, 他们生活在海水连天的美景中, 世俗之事似乎暂时和世界隔离。
这棵号称千年老橡树是目前全美最大也是最古老的橡树, 它曾経歷过二O一七年哈威颶风 ,仍然安然无恙, 多少年来 ,无数人在此瞻仰, 它面对广阔的墨西哥湾 ,在此沉睡了近千年。
我们走在伸向大海的长廊上, 一片广大的湿地 ,每天秋天都有成千上万做帰鹤回来这裡避寒, 通往小镇的原始森林小道上, 我们得慢缓行驶, 因為路上経常有小驴出现 ,大片未被破坏的生态园林到处可见奇鸟飞翔, 噢, 这是个多美的画面啊。
真的, 在这新冠病毒恐袭及战争夺权的混乱时期 ,我们来到这片寧静安详之净土, 面对千年巨树 ,心中感到无比的兴奋,愉悦之外 ,更意识到人生之短暂和渺小。
来到美洲大陆匆匆数十载, 实在是太少机会来到这片美艷又十分朴素的胜地小镇, 面对浩瀚的海洋 ,依靠在千年橡树的长劲上, 看着盛开的向日葵花, 虽耀阳高照 ,热气逼人 ,仍然让人沉醉在大自然的怀抱中。
谚语云 ,退一步海阔天空, 也正是今日之写照 ,愿千年树永久长青, 世代的过客在此默祷, 祝愿大家心想事成, 幸福满满。
2021 年8月21日於石港镇
“Big Tree” Blessing
We visited the Big Tree at Rockport, Texas, this weekend. It’s one of the most famous live oaks in the world. After being named, “Texas State Champion Virginia Live Oak,” in 1969, the tree retained that title until 2003 when a larger oak was discovered in Brazoria County, Texas. That big tree is still thought to be one of the largest live oak specimens in the United States. This tree has survived a category 4 hurricane that hit Rockport on August 25, 2017.
Many people came here in the past to worship and make a wish for themselves. With the huge tree having lasted almost a thousand years, we felt that people's lives are just so short to compare with this tree.
Rockport is a such beautiful town which is located along the Gulf Coast of Texas. There is a rich history of settlement on the bay there, including Native American and European immigrants and the present day cities of Rockport, Fulton and Aransas Pass. A lot of seafood including shrimp, fish, oysters and crabs are found in or near the bay and up until today, continue to support the local economies.
When we walked along the Rockport beach with the clear water and white sands, the beach was calm, quiet and very clean.
There are many fishing piers along the bay and people can fish and picnic close to the piers.
Frankly, I have been in Texas for more than four decades and this is the first time I have discovered that we have such wonderful beaches and nature in this small Texas city.
Today the COVID-19 virus is still attacking our community. There are many political disputes that continue around the world today. We are so lucky that we can be so blessed by the Big Tree and by the bay at Rockport, Texas.
As an old saying goes, “Life is too short to enjoy.” I hope all of us can fill our lives with more pleasure and joy. We also need to find peace in this world.