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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 09/02

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 09/02

我见 我闻 我思


自美军撤阿富汗之后, 同时撤离的阿富汗人挤进了美国在卡达等地的军事基地 数以万计的难民正在等待当局的筛查 决定他们的去向在短短两週内五千多名美军从阿富汗撤出了十一万多人员 这项混乱和人员伤亡之行动令拜登政府受到广泛之指责

许多难民爬上他们可能没有资格安置到美国 由於人数眾多 救援组织如何為新难民提供医疗房屋之服务是件巨大的挑战 為了疏解压力 许多难民已被送到欧洲一些国家的军事基地安置

一般难民都在忧虑他们是否会过上更好的生活 他们的命运还得决定於美国移民官员之严格审查

我们在此也非常同情这批逃出阿富汗之难民 他们泰半和美军二十年在阿富汗的战争有密切关係 他们為美国和盟邦卖命 如今应该得到美国政府之照顾

多年来 由於战乱关係 全世界已经有数百万之难民到处流浪 他们因战火和政治原因流落他郷 如果有机会来到美国及一些较富裕之国家 他们大多能重新过上新的生活 可是许多都长期流落在难民营的帐篷之中 真是人类之悲剧

从歷史上看 许多战争都是在政客一时之不智而发动的 為了自己的利益而造成不可收拾之残局

我们希望这批新的难民能够尽快得到妥善之安置 在他们人生的另一阶段步出新的希望

The New Afghanistan Refugees

Since the Taliban seized power in Afghanistan, a flood of refugees has swollen into American military bases where tens of thousands of people are now waiting to be screened by U.S. officials.

In just two weeks, more than 5,000 Americans troops helped to evacuate more than 114,000 people out of Afghanistan. Many of them thought they had arrived in the United States, but they still need to be screened by the U.S. officials.

On the military bases the resettlement organizations have provided them with housing, medical care and food, but they are still very worried about their future. To ease the crowd of refugees, the U.S. military has begun to move some of them to different bases in other cities.

Today we really want to urge the Biden administration to take care of these refugees because most of the people have been helping the U.S. and their allies over the last twenty years.

It is very sad that even in our democratic world that so many refugees are still being created. Because of war and other political reasons they have to leave their homelands.

History is telling us that the politicians who try to serve their ambitions, or for any other reasons to start a war, make the peoples’ lives so tragic. 

We have a moral responsibility to take care of the Afghanistan refugees and help them to settle down in America and start their new life.