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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 09/13

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 09/13

我见 我思 我闻


今午前往位於武兰市黄继荣牧师家拜访 多年不见的牧师和师母仍然十分健谈 看来十分硬朗的身体 我们也感到十分高兴

已经是多年前的往事了 我们见証了黄牧师在休斯敦西区中国教会的会活动 那裡是一个简陋的平房 在他多方之奔走下 终於奠定了今天西区中国教会建堂三十週年之基石

近数十年来 我们看到黄牧师奔走在社区的婚丧喜庆之间 他的笑容和祝词温暖和抚平了多少人的心 黄师母更是陪伴在侧 是他最佳的助理和生活伙伴

今午我们在他家一座佈置优雅的平房𥚃 满墙的全家福和生活之记忆 誏人特别温馨

黄牧师令尊大人是我国早年公费在美国耶鲁大学留学之公费生 学成后回国报效祖国 堪称爱国之书香世家

言谈中我们都感慨时光飞逝 黄牧师及师母目睹溶合在社区之生活中 他们為大家提供慰藉 引导人去反省自我 超越自我 完善自我為人的生活提供愿望行动的根基

年逾八旬的继荣牧师退休了 他奉献备生精力 為他的生命注入活水 照亮了无数人的昏暗 带来了和平 和谐 真善美之曙光 可以说他使永恆浸入自己生命之中

Pastor Wong’s Smile

We were so glad to visit Pastor Wong and his wife at their beautiful home in The Woodlands, Texas. We had not seen them in many years since the last time at their old house in Sugar Land. When we walked into their house, we were so happy to see them with such smiling faces.

Many years ago when Pastor Wong came to Houston, Texas, and started the West Houston Chinese Church in west Houston, it was because of his hard work that he built up the foundation for the church. Today, the West Houston Chinese church has become one of the largest Chinese churches in Texas.

For more than thirty years Pastor Wong was a community spiritual leader and he attended many community events and delivered good will messages to all of them. As wife of the pastor, Mrs. Wong always accompanied him and took care of his many scheduling details. 

Today we are so happy to see that Pastor Wong has retired to a beautiful home with a garden in the backyard. In our communication we all felt that the time has just passed so fast, but Pastor Wong’s contributions to our community will last forever.

Pastor Wong has now reached his 80’s. Both he and his wife are retired with a happy family and with big smiles. Both of them are spiritual winners.