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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 09/14

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 09/14


根据最新的民意调查显示 百分之八十六的美国人相信新冠疫情仍然在蔓延 其中百分之四十认為会再恶化 虽然拜登总统强制打疫苗 但是还是遭到许多阻力 要求必须强制打针之国民只有百分之五十一 换言之 总统的命令并未得到贯彻 其中自愿打针的人数只増了六个百分点。

回校上课的学生有百分之六十三赞成戴口罩 百分之三十七反对这已经演变成為民主和共和两党之政治斗争和不同之看法

今天我们所面临的是个科学验证问题 而非政治立场 综观世界目前所面对的窘境 大多数贫苦地区都没有疫苖可打 许多国家关闭机场 关上国门经济活动停滞 而我们在美国 既然有疫苗而不肯去接种实在令人无奈

根据最新数据 美国全国每七个人中就有一人感染 已经高达四千多万人 死亡人数也超过六十万 多麼可怕的数字

两年来的天灾人祸 已经许多人痛苦不堪刚过的的埃达颱风今明两天又有另一颱风扑向墨西哥湾 包括大休斯敦在内的沿海地带又在严正以待 希望九月的颱风季节早日过去

We Are Still Fighting A Common Enemy

According to a new survey, 86% of all Americans believe the pandemic isn’t over yet. In the U.S. most people think the country hasn’t even started to recover economically from the pandemic, with 41% saying that conditions are continuing to worsen.

On the school masks requirement, 63% of people believe that the children need to have masks on when they come to school, but 31% opposed it. This has also become a strong political issue today. The pandemic is so politicalized now that people will not listen to the experts.

60% of Republicans report that they are vaccinated and a sizable number are continuing to take coronavirus precautions.

There are many people who support keeping the option open to let people work at home, and doctors should keep the option open for telemedicine.

Today we are really facing many problems in our area. Last week we faced Hurricane IDA, and now we have another tropical storm Nicholas that is approaching Texas. Some Houston area school districts have already canceled classes due to the threat of severe weather posed by the storm.

In the last two years we all have suffered in this pandemic and natural disasters. The world is really “hanging on a hinge,” and unless we can work together, we don’t see any bright future ahead for the world.