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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 10/02

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 10/02



王维在其山居秋暝文中有云 空山新雨后 天气晚来秋 明月松间照 清泉石上流

今午走在后院中 骤感秋意来袭 树叶变色 在高大的松树下展露了艳丽的色彩

秋天真的来了 已经是近两週年的苦难日子新冠病毒為我们带来的灾难 除了身躯之苦痛 更在每一个人的心坎中烙下无法挥去的伤痕

许多人倒下去了 这㘯灾难失去的生命超过歷史上西班牙大流行病之总和 更是多过二次世界大战死伤人数 為什科技医疗昌明发达的今天 还是抵不过病魔的攻击

细数过去二十个月难挨的日子多少人英年早逝 多少宝贵之生命就此结束 多少以血汗建立的事业付诸东流

秋天落叶在传递时光之信息 我们还是要把握自己的宝贵岁月 永远活在大小的希望之中

疫情真的打乱了世界的安寧及每个人的生活 地球村在分裂中 政客们為私利不择手段 试看天气变化对人类带来的浩劫

自古逢秋悲寂寥 古人对秋总是伤感甚多 但是此时此地 我们没有慵懒的权利 希望的曙光一定会再现

We All Need To Live In Hope

We often call Autumn the season of the year between summer and winter when the temperature gradually decreases, the leaves fall from the trees and the temperature transitions between summer heat and winter cold.

I was walking through my backyard where many trees are changing their colors to red or brown and suddenly I felt a deep sadness as  many tragedies passed through my mind.

In the last twenty months the world has really turned upside down because of the Covid-19. We lost many of our dear friends, brothers and sisters. They lost the battle with the coronavirus and many families lost their loved ones or their businesses which they had  built up over their lifetime.

Dear brothers and sisters, we still need to live in hope. Hope can erode when we perceive a threat to our way of life and these days all of us face plenty of uncertainty out there.

All of us need to have hope even when there is no hope. People can’t picture a desired end to their struggles and they lose their motivation to endure.

According to research at Harvard, they found that those with more hope throughout their lives had better physical health, better health behaviors, better social support and longer lives.

Today we live in a very chaotic world. Many things are uncertain. 

We need to make our minds stronger every day and always look for more hope to help each other fight for a better future.