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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 10/05

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 10/05


福边区民主党党魁景亚主席今晨和即将参选艾利夫学区委员的帕垂牧师参观了美南传媒总部, 我们不但给予亲切之接待, 而且深入的探讨了亚华裔参加政治活动的经验和问题。

多年来 ,我在此接待了无数的参政访客,他们的目的只有两个, 一个是寻求媒体之支持, 另外就是选票和钞票。

景亚主席之到访, 我们感到十分之荣幸, 她谈到今天少数族裔包括拉丁 亚裔及非裔在内正在面临共和党之围剿, 虽然过去十年我们的少数族裔人口在德州增加了百分之九十五 ,但是, 在共和党佔多数的德州议会正在重划选区, 企图压制少数族裔之代表性, 她说,我们一定要全力反对这些不公平的法案。

同行的帕垂牧师要竞选艾利学区委员 ,他位於我们国际区之基督教大教堂会员近万人, 佔地六亩, 对社区服务工作非常极积, 他主张学区应加强科技教育 ,赶上时代需求 ,由於他群眾基础雄厚, 应该是胜卷在握。

我们的交谈十分融洽, 我毫无异议给他全力支持和助选 ,他们也一再提起亚华裔人参政之重要性, 我们需要团结互助 ,共同来决定自己的未来。

We All Need To Participate In Politics

It was my honor to receive Ft. Bend County Democratic Chairwoman Cynthia Ginyard and Pastor Gregg Patrick in our office. We gave them a tour and discussed a lot of community issues.

I also want to point out how important it is for members of our community to participate in the political process, especially at the local level.

Pastor Patrick is running for Alief ISD Trustee Position # 7. This is our district which is also in our International District.

The pastor's vision is to “secure more educational benefits and educational facilities for administrators, teachers and students of Alief ISD and increase the availability of new technology and improve current educational infrastructure and acquire necessary finances through the creation of bond issues and business partnerships to meet the ever-evolving needs of Alief ISD.”

After our conversation we decided to fully support Pastor Gregg Patrick in his run for Alief ISD Trustee Position # 7.

We are also planning a town hall meeting with Congressman Al Green on the upcoming Friday at 3:00 pm in our TV studio to discuss additional issues facing our community.