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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 10/06

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 10/06


美南电视传媒定於週五下午三时 邀请社区领袖和国会议员格林在电视摄影棚举行面对面之座谈会, 题目是我们面临的困境》。

近十年来, 大休斯敦拉丁裔 亚裔人口增加了百分之九十五 在休斯敦中国城及国际区多半是新来的移民社群建立的新型商业区 ,为大休斯敦地区之繁荣作出极大之贡献

自从疫情侵袭以来 对我们社区之経济及心理上都造成巨大之打击 许多商家也因而倒闭

今天我们必须以同舟共济之精神再次站起来 我们利用目前联邦及州市政府之管道 争取到应有之帮助 我们也要呼吁大家一定要註册投票参加选举活动

国会议员格林在我们选区服务已逾十五年之久 他非常关心社区之处境 我们特别安排了这场面对面的座谈会 并且做现场直播 希望大家踊跃参加

疫情的隂影仍然笼罩着我们 通澎和物价不断上涨 社会底层仍在挣扎之中 我们也看不到世界之和平 天灾人祸 令人悲愤不己

Community Town Hall Meeting

This coming Friday afternoon October 8th Congressman Al Green will come to our TV studio to participate in a town hall meeting.

We are facing so many economic and political issues in our community today. Because of the pandemic a lot of people have lost their businesses and they are really suffering.

If you need to know how to get help from the government and the fact that we are facing possible legislation in Texas to try and redraw the voting districts, are just a couple of the issues we will discuss.

We believe that a healthy democracy is based on free, fair and transparent elections and that our constitutional right to vote should always be protected.

The Democratic party is very worried that the population of minorities will be under-represented by these changes.

Houston is a very international city. We have many local minority media outlets including STV, Afrovibes TV and Vietnamese TV. All of us will organize as the Global Vibes Media Group to report our local news and entertainment programs.

We all need to be united. We all love this land that we call our home.