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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 10/08

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 10/08

我见 我思 我闻



就在週四下午五时 我和谭秋晴 李雄 吴元之州议员前往休斯敦非裔社区参加了一项反重划政治版图之群眾大会 这项集会旨在反对州议会把西南区及国际区重划到第七国会议员选区 并且把第十八选区也重新规划

这项定名為立即立即行动之群眾大会在市长特纳之激情演说中展序幕 第九选区的格林议员及第十八选区的积克逊李在大会上大声疾呼要為我们的政治权利展开保卫战

我在大会上向群眾们表示对此次大会之支持 并代表国际区十七万居民及八百五十个中小企业坚决反对把国际区划到第七选区 多年来在格林议员之支持下 我们构建了经济上的荣景及政治上应享之权利


非常遗憾 今天在美国我们少数族裔面临之问题 也是争取民権运动之再现

“Call To Action” Rally

We are so glad to have joined Congressman Al Green and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee at Emancipation Park to express our anger at the

“Call to Action” rally to save our districts now.

In my speech, I told supporters that in the last fifteen years we were able to  establish the International District in southwest Houston because we got such great assistance from our Congressman Al Green and have since been able to build economic prosperity and establish a multi-language voting system in the district. Now we need to protect our rights and we most definitely want to stay in District 9!

Chairman Kenneth Li and Stafford Deputy Mayor Alice Chen and  Dr. Helen Shih from the United Chinese Alliance also expressed their full support.

We so much regret the ambitions of some politicians. As a consequence, we  the voters will suffer.

Today we urge all of our community people to wake up and say No! to these proposed changes. This is our right and responsibility to protect our community as well as the next generation.

This is another civil rights movement we are looking at. Unless we all are united, otherwise, we are going to lose our basic rights.