大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 10/11

我见 我思 我闻
环球媒体 共存共荣
在美南传媒电视摄影棚𥚃, 集聚了二十位多独立媒体人,我们正在探讨如何在多变而崭新的媒体世界中寻求共存共荣的未来。
由美南传媒和非裔传媒共同倡议之电视、 广播、 报纸、 杂誌共十五家各族裔媒体老闆们, 包括来自亚洲 、非洲、 中南美洲、 中东地区经营电视报业、 社群媒体者共同组成环球媒体集团公司,旨在共建立全球媒体平台, 利用各种不同之国际语言, 来传递新闻和娱乐节目, 同时以集团公司之力量寻求大家在経济上之共同利益, 包括举办各族裔之庆典活动,积极参与社区及政治活动, 全面啟动团结合作之目标。
多少年来 ,我们做为為美国社区之媒体,在全体同仁之努力下,我们已经在為超过百家的各族裔媒体服务之平台, 其中包括非裔週报、 越南日报、 菲律宾週刊、 嫩巴嫩週刊、 日文週刊、 巴基斯坦电视台、 学区月报、 墨西哥电台,这使我们真正成为国际媒体中心,并常有政客及各界人士频繁往来。
近十餘年来,為迎接新媒体电视之到来, 美南媒体中心早已进入电视新媒体时代, 将传统报业和电视、 广播、 社群媒体全面结合。
我们非常兴奋,在此时此刻,多年来共同奋斗的伙伴,大家再度携手进入新的歷史阶段, 这不但是大家求生存之时刻 ,更是我们共存共荣写下歷史之新篇章。
We Are United For Our Future -- Global Vibes Media Group
Global Vibes Media Group is a media partnership between Afrovibes Entertainment LLC and Southern News Media Group LLC with the goal to combine together our large and influencial media companies to represent other diverse ethnic groups.
The vision is to unite our global TV and Radio station media companies and magazines and newspapers with the goal to serve as a gateway for other companies to build a strong alliance and network together.
Global Vibes Media Group will create a digital platform that will empower and propel business owners, entrepreneurs, politicians, community leaders and activists, content creators and influencers to cross-promote their various projects and visions. All of these together will generate revenue by expanding beyond a single market reach.
Over the last several decades Southern News Group has been serving and continues to serve our community covering hundreds of media outlets. Our presses print over one hundred community newspapers.
Almost twenty years ago we got into television and radio and we knew the media would be changing.
Today we are so glad to team up with so many of our partners to promote the new media together. This is not only just for our survival, but also for our mutual success.