大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 10/15/2021

我见 我闻 我思
货柜危机 经济堪忧
拜登总统目前正面对诸多挑战 ,其中又加一项货柜危机 ,数以百计的货轮正在海上停留, 无法卸下数以百万计之货柜 ,这将严重影响圣诞节供货及全国之物价高涨。
总统已经下令以九十天时间全面解决这次之危机, 并下令从即日起洛杉磯港口要七天二十四小时营业, 由於疫情减缓 ,全球货物之需求增加 ,但是没有充够之货轮运送,因而造成运费之飞涨。
政府官员和全国最大供应商沃马、 联邦快递达成协议,将加班加点加强货物之运送工作, 同时政府将放宽对货车司机取得驾照之要求, 希望铁路及公路都能增加班次来疏散货运之畅通, 事实上 ,其中重要的原因之一就是我们严重缺乏驾驶司机。
目前滞留在海上的货轮 ,已经造成美国消费市场之重大影响, 尤其是节日即将来到, 在许多商家已経没有多少存货, 这种连锁反应, 将导致通货膨胀及物价上升。
今天我们面临的是一个全球性的经济问题 ,过去几十年来, 全球经济已经结合為一体 ,相互关係更日愈加深 ,如果我们没有全球视野之观点来共同解决问题, 只有我们这些老百姓受苦了。
Stalled Ship Cargos And The Supply Chain Crisis
Today millions of shipping containers are stacked up at American ports from the west coast to the east coast. President Biden has stepped up the efforts to relieve the supply chain nightmare that has led to the untimely delays and storage of goods. And now as a result, prices will be going up and will threaten to slow down the economic recovery.
The White House is trying to work with companies and the ports to alleviate bottlenecks and the port of Los. Angles will now be open 24 hours a day 7 days a week bringing it into line with operations at the port of Long Beach. Those two west coast ports are handling 40 % of the container traffic into the US.
Because of the economic recovery, the ports around the world are very congested. Shipping costs have soared and companies wanting to move goods around the world are struggling because there are just not enough ships or containers available.
President Biden met with a group of business executives and union representatives and discussed collective efforts to address the global problem.
Another pressing issue is that a shortage of truck drivers has added to the supply chain constraints making the delivery of goods to consumers even more costly.
We think this is a worldwide issue since the pandemic has attacked all of the countries. All of the factories have faced many very difficult problems. The world is a global village now and we are all interdependent on each other. Unless we can all work together, we are going to face even more challenges in the future.