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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 10/20


5G 时代之来临 新闻传媒走进了全新的阶段 全球各地的社区媒体正透过手机和平板电脑以秒杀之速度接到画面及信息 如何在如此崭新的媒体社区平台 加强内容及可看性是我们努力之目标

美南环球直播中心将在此大情势之趋动下 结合各族裔媒体 在次展现我们文化之多样化及相互支援之目标 我们将透过 Roku 脸书 YouTube Amaron Fire Google APP微信 今日头条 抖音scdaily.com等平台 进行转播

管我们的总部设在休斯敦 我们的影响力将遍及全球 我们的合作伙伴包括非裔 拉丁裔 亚裔 中东裔及主流之电视广播电台 我们将透过直播中心 七天二十四小时播出 内容将推广音乐文化 商业 电影 访谈全球有影响的企业家艺术家及社区领袖

超过十二家加盟之各族裔媒体并将定期在美南新闻广埸举边庆祝各族裔之文化活动 為大休斯敦地区增加社区活动 造福民眾

美南直播中心是我们另一创举 结合各种团结力量 平台共享 共创美好未来是大家努力之目标

We Are Entering A New Chapter In Media

Since the arrival of 5G technology, the whole world is changing. We are partnering now with many local media to create a new platform -- Global Vibes Group with the goal of combining large and influential independent media companies to represent the many diverse groups in our community.

The vision is to unite our global TV, radio, newspaper and magazine media with the goal to serve as a gateway for companies to build strong alliances and networks together.

Today we are building a live media center in Houston, Texas, with 24/7 live streaming news and entertainment content. We can bring the news, music, videos and movies of different countries to our platform while highlighting entrepreneurs and community leaders that will be covering the North America, Africa, the Caribbean and Asian media markets.

The streaming channels will include Google App, Roku, Firetv, YouTube, Facebook, WeChat, TikTok and local TV headlines.

The live media center will be open for those people who want to produce their own shows and we will be ready to help them.

We are so excited that the new project will be open and will continue our goal of serving our community.