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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/03

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/03


首例奥密克戎新型病毒週三在旧金山证实有首名被感染者 这是在南非发现后首次传染到了美国 引起各界之强烈关注

公卫专家们表示 感染者目前状况稳定 没有跡象显示传染给他人 有关单位正在紧急研究病毒之防疫方法 并加强要求大家要戴上囗罩 赶快去打种疫苗及加强疫苗之种植以防止进一步扩散

在这场疫情造成世界各国第四次之重大变种病毒 引起世界各国之恐惧因而纷纷关闭机场 联合国秘书长对此表示异议 他认為此举将对世界経济有非常不利之影响

第二个病例週四也在密尼苏打州发现 据称他也曾経接种过疫苗 公卫单位正在大加宣扬大家要立即去接种疫苗

拜登总统面对新的挑战 将有新的措施 其中包括所有到达美国的旅客必须接种了疫苗 并且要求在公共交通工具上必须戴口罩之限令从一月底延到三月底 并将继续深入社区团体為年长的国人加紧种植疫苗

总统同意宣布将帮忙所有家庭进行核酸检测 并在全国组成六十个紧急救难队伍 随时待命

公卫专家们十分担心 这个无空不如的新病毒 其传染速度十分惊人 而许多国家还十分短缺疫苗

我们要呼吁世界卫生组织要更积极动员起来 富有之国家也更要伸出援手 因為我们居住在地球村 无一能幸免这场灾难

Omicron Coronavirus Confirmed In The U.S.

Two confirmed cases of the Omicron variant have been confirmed in San Francisco and in Minnesota. The person in California was fully vaccinated and is experiencing mild symptoms.

The World Health Organization designates Omicron as a “variant of concern.” It was first identified in South Africa, but has since been detected around the globe.

President Biden called the variant a “cause for concern and not a cause for panic.” He is urging the people to get vaccinated or get a booster shot as soon as possible.

The White House also issued new measures including a national campaign for booster shots, hundreds of new family vaccination sites, at-home testing covered by insurance going forward and tens of millions of free at-homes tests.

Any signs of transmission from the virus are still in the process of investigation, but public health officials want people to continue indoor masking and to get tested to prevent the spread.

Today we are really worried about most of the countries still needing to get more vaccine for their people such as South Africa. If they don’t have enough vaccine, how can they ever prevent the spread?

This is a worldwide issue. No country can be out of trouble unless we all work together.