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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/09

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/09

我见 我思 我闻


休斯敦律师孔尔今天代表一千五百个受害人向今年十一月五日在休斯敦NGR 公园举办的大型演唱会造成十人死亡数百人受伤事件提出一百亿美金赔偿之诉讼 对象包括当天演唱的饶舌歌星斯卡等在内的演出人员

孔尔律师指出 发生在休斯敦的这场大型演唱会悲剧必须得到法律之正义判决 给予一千五百多人在金钱上的补偿 他认為这全然是主办单位之疏失而造成十位观眾被踩死的悲剧


这㘯悲剧是发生在上个月五号 成千上万的年青人涌进当天之演唱会 因為大家挤成一团 蜂涌而上 许多人被踩到地上 一时哀鸿遍野 救护人员也无法即时赶到 最后造成了十人死亡之悲剧

我们要呼吁大家此次公共安全造成之惨剧许多青少年对於演唱会非常热衷 凡是有大歌星到来 都会迫不及待去捧场 可是千万未想到这些主办单位缺乏大型活动之経验 安全设施不足 因而造成了这多无辜少年之死伤

我们看到了亲友父母对於失去𠒇亲友之悲哀欲絶 希望

有关部门必须加强公安监管 前事不忘 后事之师

$10 Billion Dollar Lawsuit

Attorney Brent Coon has announced a $10 billion dollar massive lawsuit against rapper and headliner Travis Scott and other defendants.

The firm will represent 1,547 concert goers. Coon said that what happened at Astroworld was an unconscionable tragedy and it is important that justice is served for all impacted.

The Astroworld Festival tragedy at Houston NRG Park on November 5th resulted in 10 people dead and hundreds of others injured.

Coon’s firm is demanding legislative action to include crowd control and planning specialists to certify events, mandated training programs for event preparation and criminal liability for any wrongdoing.

They have filed a request with the Harris County District Attorney’s office to consolidate all the cases involved. A hearing is set for December 13.

We feel very sorry for all the people who lost their loved ones in the Astroworld Festival tragedy. All government agencies need to look into this tragedy as a big lesson for the future.

Big concert events need to have more security measures to protect these young people.

As Coon said he, “ ..will roll over every rock in this matter.”