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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/18

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/18


由于近二年新冠疫情之肆虐 全球各地之新车供应受到影响 号称世界汽车王国的美国也不例外

总部设在维几尼亚州雷其门市的汽车伙伴公司正抓住此一时机 在全美二百多个城市正在火爆式地為想买卖旧汽车的人提供了非常快速完整之服务

Carmax 公司主要分成两大部份 一个是买进旧车 修整后立即上市 另一部份是贷款服务 该公司曾经在一九九六年时代理过本田日本汽车但是二O二一年后就把代理权出售专门经营旧车卖买

包括设在德州休斯敦在内的全国二百二十五个营业所 当你走进他们广阔高大的办公室 立即有人亲切接待 当你把车钥匙交给他们后 便有服务人员在半小时内為你送上一份汽车估价单 如果你同意他们的估价 当㘯交易成功并立即取得支票 全后不需超过一小时 这种快速服务 他们门庭若市 生意兴隆

当年我在哈佛商学院研读时 曾经出版过从哈佛看世界此书可在亚马逊网站上查到 我曾经对十二家成功企业做过研究 结论是市场需求决定公司之成败 Carmax 的成功案例可以说是天时地利加上人和

The Success Story Of Carmax

Carmax is a used car retailer that opened in September of 1993 in Richmond,Virginia. Today they have more than 225 locations all over the United States. It operates two business concepts: Carmax Sales Operations and Carmax Auto Finance. The corporate entity behind the formation of Carmax was Circuit City Inc. Carmax acquired its first new car franchise with Chrysler and later with Toyota, but they sold it to another dealer and now just sells used cars.

When you walk into the tall office building of Carmax, they always have a very friendly receptionist that greets you. After you turn over your car key to them, about one-half hour later the sales people will hand you the appraisal paper to see if you agree with the price. If you agree, within another half hour you will get the check and the deal is done. This kind of fast and friendly business model really makes people happy. This is one of the reasons Carmax has become the number one used car dealership.

When I studied at Harvard, I wrote a book titled, “An Eye On The World From Harvard,” and it is still listed on Amazon. I did twelve case studies and discovered one key ingredient for successful companies is that they have the right market at the right time. Carmax is one good example of this.