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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/20

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/20

我见 我思我闻

华裔青年 时代中坚

上週末参加了陈亚民董事长令郎陈光毅迎娶张府千金张嘉欣小姐在华人経营的宝盛五星级大饭店之盛大婚宴 鲜花满桌富丽堂皇加上精緻烹调之中式菜餚 实属难得一见之豪华塲面

当然婚礼最大的意义和特色是父母亲之祝福和苦心 还有来自国会议员格林和莱斯大学校长李尔邦伉儷之祝贺

格林议员特别為这对新人颁发了印有国会印章的贺词及纪念品 希望他们為社会作出贡献

新朗光毅获得莱斯大学硕士学位新娘嘉欣毕业於德州农工大学 在校长夫人孙月萍之巧思之下把两校校景合而為一当作结婚贺礼 并祝贺她们新婚燕尔 永结同心

我在祝辞中祝福她们在婚礼之日所分亨之喜悦伴随她们共度人生岁月 俗语说:“百年恩爱双心结 千里姻缘一线牵”, 并且把我写的一本书从哈佛看世界做為礼物 希望他们也能体会到「真正幸福的是使人幸福的人」

这对幸福的夫妇 从她们身上看到了华裔年轻人之希望 今天我们生活在美国的华裔人士 正面对前所未有之挑战 所幸我们不断有眾多的后起之秀 继续為争取华裔应有之权益而奋斗
我们来一起祝福他们 做个对社会有用和孝顺父母的华夏儿女 用勤劳智慧之手 开创灿如星河之未来

Model Of The New Chinese American Couple

It was really a great pleasure to attend Guangyi and Cynthia’s wedding party which took place at the five-star Houston Blossom Hotel. It was a beautiful set up and the Chinese food was delicious and all the guests had a wonderful time.

Both parents, Chairman Chen and Mr. Zhang and their families were so happy and the new couple were well-educated in America

U.S. Congressman Al Green and President David Leebron and First Lady of Rice University Ping Su also were among the guests and all of them gave a very great blessing to the newlyweds.

The groom was graduated from Rice University and his wife got her degree from Texas A&M University and both of them were very outstanding students.

I also sent them my congratulation message: ”May the marriage of this couple be blessed with faith, joy and love. We wish the couple a world of happiness and love, and may all their dreams come true.”

As a present, I gave them a book which I wrote titled, “A View Of The World From Harvard.” I hope they will learn from some of my writing

We are so proud that this outstanding young and smart and well-educated Chinese American couple will be a part of our community.

Today we are facing many challenges in our society. We need new blood and a young generation to continue fighting for our rights and our future.

This great country belongs to all of us. We are here and adopt America as our own home.