大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0103

我见 我思 我闻
在过去两年的疫情中, 世界各国几乎使用相同之手法来面对病毒, 其中包括封锁 、强制戴口罩 ,保持社交距离 ,限制私人集会及要求打过疫苗的证明。
今天奥密克戎变异株正在横扫全球, 就连防疫最严密的以色列也表示无法阻止流行, 因為它传播太快 ,但是一个多月来证明该变异株主要导致轻症, 尤其是对那些已经接种疫苗及加强针的人 ,有助於预防重症和死亡。
总统医疗总顾问福奇博士预估, 奥密克戎在全美之传染可能会在一月底前达到高峯 ,他同时建议美国人在检验呈阳性后, 如果没有癓状建议隔离时间从十天减到五天。
各国当政者正面临两难局面 ,如果全面实施隔离, 关闭商业将造成経济上之重大损失, 如果确诊人数太多, 势必造成医疗资源之紧张和不足。
老实说 ,和去年此刻比较起来, 全世界对抵抗病毒已经取得了非常明显强大的成就 ,除了许多种疫苗之发明 ,包括临床口服药剂也阻止了许多死亡案例。
当我们共同走进了新的一年, 世界在疫情之隐忧之下, 这股风暴将无法迅速退潮, 大家只是同舟共济, 面对挑战, 战胜病毒。
Virus Normalization?
In the past two years countries around the world have almost all used the same methods to face the spread of the virus, including blockades, wearing masks, managing social distance, restricting private gatherings and requiring proof of vaccinations.
Today the omicron variant is sweeping the world. Even Israel, the nation most close to successfully preventing the epidemic, now says it could not stop the virus because it spreads too fast. But for more than one month now the variant mainly causes mild disease, especially for those who have been vaccinated which helps greatly to prevent severe illness and death.
Dr. Anthony Fauci estimates that we will reach a high peak at the end of this month with the omicron virus. He also suggests that Americans should reduce isolation time from ten days to five after they tested positive.
Political leaders around the world are facing a dilemma: if they shut down businesses, it will mean a big economic loss, if not, they will have to worry about the spreading of the virus.
To be honest, compared with last year at this time, we are much better off because of the invention of many vaccines and oral drugs.
As we enter the new year together, everyone is just in the same boat, and to face the challenge, we must help each other.