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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0106

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0106

我见 我思 

国会暴动 民主之耻

去年此时 数以万计的暴徒冲入美国国会山庄造成五人死亡 是美国史上最黑暗的日子之一

民主党人今天在华府举办了一场活动 并由拜登总统和副总统哈里斯分别向国人发表谈话 他必须向世界各国领袖再度保证美国的民主是安然无羔的

司法部已经对当天参加暴乱的七百多人提起公诉 而且有更多人恐遭调查 其中五十人已遭判刑 部长加兰德重申将不受任何暴力威胁

时至今日 许多川支持者还是不承认上次大选之结果 但是对国会山庄之袭击已经為美国之民主带来无法补救之后果

种族歧视 疫情蔓延 通物膨胀 世局不安是造成民怨和种族主义抬头和政客可以操控之籍口和时机

拜登总统必须尽快整和民主党国会人士早日通过民生法案来拯救国内経济 如果今年中期选举被共和党打败 他就会是跛脚总统 大部分施政就会被阻 民主党之优势必将失去

疫情真是已経改变了社会型态 世界上许多生活在水深火热的人民 他们需要的是疫苗和麭包 民主可能是件非常遥远的事

拜登总统必须正视国内外之严峻情势 国内情势可能造成之民怨必然是政客们可以用来攻击执政者之机会 如何搞定物价是当急之务

今天我们大家都非常沈痛的来追念在国会暴乱中失去生命的牺牲者 当我们这个号称民主国家的老大 无法自救时 也是全世界的悲剧

Shame Day Of Democracy

At this time last year thousands of rioters rushed into U.S. Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. Five people were killed and it was one of the darkest days in American history.

Democrats held an event today in Washington and President Biden and Vice President Harris spoke to the nation. They also once again assured the world leaders that democracy in the United States is still alive and well.

Recently, the Justice Department has already prosecuted more than 700 people who participated in the riot on that day. Fifty of them have been sentenced.

Up until today many Republicans still do not accept the results of the last presidential election. But the attack on the U.S. Capitol has had irreparable consequences for American democracy.

Racial discrimination, spread of the pandemic, inflation, higher prices for goods and world issues means that President Biden will face a big challenge in the mid-term elections for his re-election hopes. If the democrats lose the battle, the president will become a “lame duck president.”

Today, for all of us it is very painful to remember the victims who lost their lives in the riot. As the leader of democracy in the world, the U.S. has to remember this tragedy of January 6, 2021.