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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 01/08

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 01/08

我见 我闻 我思


今天清晨行驶在休斯敦国际区百利大道上, 看见修路工人正在加紧赶工完成修整大道之工作, 也是我们近年来努力的重要项目之一

近十五年前 这片荒芜之地经过大家的努力 国际区已经成為全市开发之典范 尤其是百利大道上如今虽然疫情严峻 仍然是日夜车水马龙

由市府斥资五千八百万元兴建的艾利多功能社区中心也即将在今年内峻工 并开放市民使用 该中心除了有各种运动设施之外 并将有巨大之室内外活动表演设施 将是本市西南区重要的社区活动中心

国际区果农公社成立多年 各型菜圃已经由市民租用 目前我们正在筹划农夫市集 希望大家能有遮风避雨的设施

多年来 位於国际区的艾利学区己经先后发行教育公债 以改善学区软硬体设施 并且已大大提高了学区之教育水準

我们选择了这块土地是我们安身立命之地 我们大家手牵手共同来努力吧

The International District Is Under Construction

When I was driving down Bellaire Blvd. we saw that construction workers are working very hard to complete the renovation of the road which was also one of the most important projects we have worked hard to complete in recent years.

After nearly fifteen years, this raw land was changed with everyone’s efforts and the International District became one of the top development models in our city.

The City of Houston has spent $58 million dollars to build the Alief multifunctional community center which is almost complete. In addition to various sports facilities, the center will also have huge indoor and outdoor activities performance facilities. It will create many more cultural events for the city.

We are also planning on building a farmer’s market in our district. We are so glad the Alief School District has passed a bond to improve the quality of our schools. With their help, we will be able to acquire the land to build the building.

Let us all work together in our community, the place that all of us call home.