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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 01/13

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 01/13


根据一次最新的民调显示 美国人几乎百分之九十四都听过奥密克戎新病毒 儘管对此大流行目前还未得到有效遏制之方法 但是只有百分之二十三的人表示他们可能会取消度假计划 百分之二十八的人会停止或取消和家人朋友的集会

回想过去二年当新冠病毒大流行开始时 我们还没有发现疫苗 许多人开始囤积食物和卫生纸 擦拭买来的东西 自己进入封锁状态 有如大敌临头 末日将至

然而随着疫苗之发现 人类似乎有救星来了 许多人已经不再害怕新冠 虽然紧急救难车笛不断 许多人都有些麻痹而放下了警惕 放鬆限制和戴口罩习惯 甚至不愿接种可能挽救生命的疫苗

过去二年疫情期间 许多人生活在空虚和绝望之中 加上媒体大量传播病毒信息,可说是无处不在 这也许是要大家赶快去打疫苗的原动力

今天在美国和欧洲各国已经完全放弃了隔离政策 和台湾中国大陆正在进行的管控方式真是天壤之别

我们正在反思 在民主社会中要对抗大流行 真是听天由命了

Are Many People No Longer Afraid Of Covid-19?

According to a new poll, almost 94% of American people have heard about the Omicron

virus. Only 23% of the people polled said they are considering cancelingl their vacations and 28% will cancel or postpone their parties with their friends or families .

Looking back two years ago when the pandemic began, we had not found the vaccines. Many people started to store up their food supply and toilet paper. However, with the discovery of vaccines we are getting relief from the vaccine. Now many people will not really worry too much like before. They know the vaccine can save their lives.

Today countries like the United States and European nations have a very different policy compared with China and Taiwan. Our businesses are open and people still conduct their business as usual.

In a democratic society, do people have the right to do things in a right or wrong way?