大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 01/20

我见 我思 我闻
执政週年 内忧外患
去年今天, 当拜登总统在国会大厦前宣誓就职, 全国人民带着无比的希望和信心 迎接新政府的来临, 对我们亚裔而言, 副总统贺锦丽能够走到政治高峯 是多麼令人振奋而骄傲之大事, 但是一年后的今天, 拜登总统之支持度已降至百分之四十四, 而且全国民调显示大部分人都认為他目前的施政方向是错误的。
首先是疫情大战陷入疲软, 政府顕得力不从心, 国内供应链问题导致物价高涨, 重大案件由於民主党内之不团结在参院无法通过 ,国内治安继续恶化, 纽约地铁再度发生黑人疯子推倒亚裔女子丧命 ,洛杉磯街头公然集体打劫货柜, 虽然失业率下降, 但由於疫情和可以拿到救济金, 许多人辞职在家不愿回到工作岗位。
在外交上, 美国继续和中国大陆对抗, 外交抵制冬运会 ,全面封杀大陆企业, 正在乌克兰和欧洲访问的国务卿布林肯, 希望化解俄罗斯对乌克兰之出兵, 可能效果不大 ,俄国十万大军压境 入侵是非常可能的事。
我们要呼吁拜登总统 ,必须调整美国外交政策 ,尤其是对大国之关係, 如果我们还在继续对抗打击政策, 世界将永无寧日。
今天世界各国之关係密切和交流是阻当不了的潮流,请问新冠病毒有任何国家的幸免吗 ?经济往来能切断吗?
拜登总统领导之民主党政府是大多数亚裔支持的政党, 未来三年如果政绩无法改善, 民主党很可能就要在野了。
President Biden’s Anniversary
January 20th is the first anniversary of President Biden’s coming to power. When we look back at the whole of last year, many people might be disappointed. Covid-19 has fallen into national fatigue, in-fighting against the pandemic in Congress and the Biden administration’s attempt to pass a major bill are challenges that still remain, but Biden is still repeatedly kidnapped by a few of his own democratic senators.
Because of a lagging supply chain and other problems, inflation has reached its highest point over the last forty years. Robbery and looting in department stores are going on in all major cities. Just last week in the New York City subway system, an Asian woman was killed when she was pushed down by a black man onto the train tracks.
On the diplomatic front, we are still using an anti-China policy of a diplomatic boycott of the Winter Olympics games. Hundreds of thousands of Russian troops have gathered on the border of the Ukraine making the tensions between Russia and the Ukraine imminent. Secretary of State Blinken who is currently visiting the Ukraine and Europe, hopes to resolve the crisis, but it may have little effect. A Russian invasion is very possible.
Today we are urging President Biden to change his current foreign policy. Close relationships and exchange is the trend of the world. We just can’t stop it.
Most Asian Americans are supporting the government led by President Biden. If its performance fails to improve over the next three years, the Democratic Party is likely to lose power.