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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 01/25

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 01/25

我见 我思我闻

股市下滑 世局震盪

华尔街股市下跌七百多点 投资者正在焦虑乌克兰战火 中央银行利息政策及通货膨胀等重大发展

道琼指数失滑了七百三十点 下跌了百分之二点二 大部分高科技股本週将出台利润报告 美国中央银行本週三将召开董事会 预计不会调整利率 但是到三月份时可能就有改变预期会调上百分之零点二五 通货膨胀已经影响到全国物价上涨 是四十年来所罕见

目前最令投资者担忧的还是俄罗斯重兵部署在乌克兰边境 是否会发动战争 老实说我们对於拜登总统之施政 包括内政和外交有着极高之期待 但是一年过后 他的政绩令人失望 首先从内政方面来说 由於党内国会参眾议员无法团结一致 许多民生法案和预算都无法通过 这将严重影响政府之施政 今天所有小型商业正在面临原材料急速上涨之重大压力 从蔬菜 肉类 纸张 钢材 至少上涨三成以上 许多业主们说 拜登上任之后 根本没有任何补助方案 他们所拿到的一些资助还是在川时代 我们试问 拜登总统是否知道这些民间疾苦呢

在对外关係方面 自从我们从阿富汗撤军之后 无可讳言已经重创了美国之声望 我们看到俄罗斯大胆地要入侵乌克兰亚太地区中美对抗正在加温

我们呼吁拜登总统急需调整内外政策 首先安内再攘外 如果自己経济内政无法改善 民主党将来之执政会面临严重挑战

Investors Worry About The Ukraine

Wall Street was in the red again on Monday. Stocks opened sharply lower and the S&P 500 dropped 10 percent from its most recent peak. The Dow fell more than 730 points or 2.2 percent. 

Investors have a lot of things to worry about, especially the situation in Ukraine as fear mounts that the country could be invaded by Russia.

The Federal Reserve Bank will hold a meeting on Wednesday. It is not expected to adjust the interest rate, but by March there may be a change in expectations of 0.25 percent.

To be honest, we had high expectations for President Biden when he came to office, but his performance is indeed disappointing. First of all, because within the party members of Congress, the senate couldn’t pass many bills, including the budget could not pass.  This seriously affects the governance of the government.

Today, all the small businesses are under great pressure because of sharp increases for raw materials including meat, vegetables, steel and paper that have risen by at least 30 percent. How can these people survive?

In terms of foreign policy since our withdrawal from Afghanistan, the reputation of the United States has been seriously damaged. We now see Russia boldly threatening to invade Ukraine while the potential for a Sino-U.S. confrontation in the Asia-Pacific region is increasing.

We call on President Biden to adjust both internal and foreign policy to the situations. Otherwise, the Democratic party will continue to face serious challenges in the future.