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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 02/27

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 02/27

我见 我思 我闻


休歇停办了二年的休斯敦牛仔节 定於本週末二月二十八日再度登场 将在未来二十天内举办全球最大的室内牛仔表演及文化活动

每年一度的牛仔节之传统是成千上万做乡村牛仔乘座马车或骑上马背 从四方八面徒步向休斯敦市区前进 往往需要一週以上时间才能到达大会场

主场是位於休市NRG 美式足球场内可容纳近八万观眾 在三週之活动日程中 除了各式之牛仔表演之外 将在每晚举办歌星演唱会 牲畜表演 烹飪比赛 品酒大会 奬励中小学生活动 慈善义卖 琳瑯满目将為全美掀起一年一度的牛仔热

这项己有九十年历史的欢庆节目 代表了德州牛仔之精神 我还记得刚到德州博蒙市上学时 市区附近就有许多务农的真正牛仔群 他们也每天在广阔的大地上赶养牛群 一片无际的农业及稻田 真是非常富裕的土地

今天在美国的农村 年轻人已经不太愿意承担祖业去务农 他们觉得十分辛苦 所以也造成农村人才流失而不足之问题

休斯敦牛仔节除了文娱表演活动之外主要还是希望鼔励年青人对畜牧 农业之兴趣 继续留下来从事务农之工作

Celebrating The 90th Houston Livestock Show And Rodeo

The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, after a two-year hiatus, is scheduled to return this weekend on February 28, and will host the world's largest indoor cowboy show and cultural event over the next 20 days.

The tradition of the annual rodeo is that thousands of country cowboys ride in carriages or on horseback from all directions to downtown Houston, often taking more than a week to reach the convention site.

This year’s event will be held indoors in the NRG football stadium, which can accommodate nearly 80,000 spectators. In the three-week event schedule, in addition to various cowboy performances, there will be a featured singer concert every night.
Livestock performances, cooking competitions, wine tasting conferences, awards for primary and secondary school students, and charity sales will set off the annual cowboy fever in the United States.
This 90-year-old celebration represents the spirit of Texas cowboys. I remember when I first came to study in Beaumont, Texas, there were a lot of real cowboys farming and ranching around the city. The cattle herds are endless and the agriculture and rice paddy fields are very rich land for cattle and agriculture crops.


Today in the rural areas of the United States, young people are not willing to take on their ancestral businesses to work in agriculture. They feel that it is very hard, which also causes the problem of rural brain drain and labor and land management shortages.
In addition to cultural performances, the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo mainly hopes to encourage young people's interest in animal husbandry and agriculture, and wants them to continue to stay and work as a farmer.

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Today in the rural areas of the United States, young people are not willing to take on their ancestral businesses to work in agriculture. They feel that it is very hard, which also causes the problem of rural brain drain and labor and land management shortages.
                                                                                                                                                 In addition to cultural performances, the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo mainly hopes to encourage young people's interest in animal husbandry and agriculture, and wants them to continue to stay and work as a farmer.