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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 03/03

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 03/03



俄罗斯对乌克兰之入侵正说明了强权政治已経结束了冷战后三十的和平 另一塲冷战已经在形成中

随着乌克兰情势之变化 世界各国正在倾全力声援支持乌国对抗俄罗斯 并且祭出各种経济制裁方案 但是仍阻挡不了在前进中的坦克大炮

早在二〇一四年俄罗斯攻佔克里米亚之后 时任德国总理的梅克尔批评普丁是生活在另外一个世界的人 普丁执政达四分之一世纪 他从苏联KGB 时代走出来的特工 在他的主观意识中 重回昔日风华和当年之荣耀是人生之不变目标 当然收復乌克兰故土也是他努力的目标从乌克兰事件看出普丁之行事和企图心 也要做好充分準备来面对未来之挑战

拜登总统在国情咨文报告中再次表示普丁必定要為他的行為付出代价 并宣布禁止俄国飞机飞越美国领空 拜登提出严正警告说 倘若俄罗斯不必為这次侵犯行為承担后果那麼普丁的侵犯行為将不会止於乌克兰

今天我们看到七十多万的难民逃离家乡 父老之眼涙和孩子们的哭声又在上演一㘯人类的悲剧 制裁挡得住坦克吗

Sanctions Can’t Stop Tanks

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine shows that this is the end of peace after 30 years of Cold War as another Cold War is already taking shape.

As the situation in Ukraine changes, many countries in the world are supporting Ukraine’s confrontation against Russia with weapons and various sanctions, but they still can’t stop tanks and artillery moving forward.

As early as 2014 after Russia captured Crimea, then German Chancellor Merkel criticized Putin as a person living in another world. Putin had been in power for a quarter of a century and came to his position as a former KGB agent in the Soviet Union era. In his mind, he always wanted to return to the glory of the past, including taking back Ukraine.

In his State of the Union speech last night President Biden once again said that Putin must pay the price for his behavior and announced that Russian planes would be banned from flying over U.S. airspace. He also warned if Putin did not have to bear the consequences for his behavior and his aggression, he would not stop in Ukraine.

Today we saw more than 700,000 refugees fleeing their hometown. The tears of parents and the crying of children staged another human tragedy. Sanctions are just not going to stop the tanks.