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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0409

大侠行天下日记  我见我闻我思 0409


白宫医疗最高顾问福其博士今天再度提出警告, 如果我们防御不当 ,今年秋天天气转凉时 新冠疫情之流行可能会捲土重来。

在华府, 本来预定访问日本和台湾的眾议院议长佩洛西及两名内阁成员都确诊感染新冠病毒, 所幸拜登总统虽然和她有近距离的接触 还是呈阴性。

近三年来 我们大家可谓谈疫变色, 週遭友人及全国百万国人因而丧命, 这个世纪大悲剧,可谓改变了所有人的生活方式。

对许多美国人而言, 我们目前是全面放鬆了防御意识 走在街上餐厅客满, 海滩边人头攒动绝大部分已経不戴口罩, 福其博士之忧心和警示, 根本没有效果。

这个顽强又变种之病毒, 无可讳言 是未来所有人类必须面对的挑战, 近世纪来 全球人类之过度开发及对大自然造成之破坏 是主要原因 如果没有共同之意识, 进行减炭㺽保工作, 病毒仍然会不断向我们袭击。

乌克兰战事未决 上海封城 物价高涨, 我们面对之困境实在很多 但是那些领导者能真正体验人民之苦痛吗

Dr Fauci’s Warning

The nation’s top infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci warned that the Covid-19 surge will likely return in the fall with the lifting of many mask mandates and restrictions for indoor settings.

Fauci emphasized that there has been a warning of immunity and that we should expect to see an increase in cases when the colder weather arrives in the fall.

In Washington, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has tested positive for Covid-19 and two of President   Biden’s cabinet members have also tested positive. Pelosi had to cancel her trip to visit Japan and Taiwan.

Over the last three years we have all talked about and experienced the horror of the pandemic. Many friends around us and millions of people across the country have lost their lives. This tragedy of the century has changed our way of life.

Now in recent days, most Americans are not wearing masks and people are dining and shopping freely in restaurants and malls. For them, Dr. Fauci’s warning has no effect at all.

Over the last century, we have overdeveloped the globe and have caused the destruction of nature. People are the main reason this disaster has been created.

The war in Ukraine is still ongoing. Shanghai is locked down and the prices of food and gas are soaring. There are many difficulties we are facing, but can any of our leaders really understand the pain of the people?